- Through simulation of the integrated model, author get the dynamic response of dummy and part guideline of injury estimation. 通过数值仿真计算,重现了整车碰撞过程中假人的运动响应,得到模拟假人的部分伤害评价指标,并且与试验结果吻合较好。
- Computer simulation of an in-flight emergency. 计算机模拟飞行途中的紧急情况
- She's been dropped from the team because of injury. 她因受伤而离队.
- Two players are out of the team because of injury. 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。
- How to avoid or decrease the time of injury? 如何避免和减少受伤的时间?
- Soon there will be no sign of injury. 不久伤痕便会消失殆尽。
- Tom was disgusted, and felt a sense of injury. 汤姆大为懊恼,他简直觉得受了委屈。
- That is the kind of injury or damage to be foresee. 因此,被告只需预见到了损害事件的种类即可。
- Has there been any history of injury? 有过外伤吗?
- Numerical Simulation of Rotor Flow in Hover. 悬停下旋翼流的数值模拟。
- Test and Simulation of Amex86 Architecture. Amex86系统的测试与仿真;
- Theoretical Simulation of Cr, Tm, Ho: YAG laser[J]. 引用该论文 姚育成;李正佳;黄楚云;夏红星.
- We are missing six first-team regulars because of injury. 我们有六位一线主力队员因伤不能出场。
- STEP 4: In the case of injury, call the nearest ambulance. 第4步:受伤时,打电话给最近的医疗救护部门;
- He has had a series of injuries this season. 本赛季他有许多伤病。
- Use your seat belt to lessen the danger of injury in an accident. 系上座椅安全带,减少交通事故中受伤的危险。
- Analysis and Simulation of Pulp Suspension Flow in Headbox. 流浆箱浆料流动分析和模拟研究。
- To expose to danger or the chance of injury; imperil. 冒险在危险或受伤的危胁之下;使处于危险中。
- Numerical Simulation of High Turbulence Air-Water Two-Phase Flow. 高紊动气液两相流的数值模拟。
- She died as a result of injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡。