- simulate management center 虚拟管理中心
- H.K. Modern Management center is a consultant company be invested H.K. 香港现代企业管理中心是一家香港投资的企业管理顾问公司。
- S.Z. Modern Management center is a consultant company be invested H.K. 苏州现代企业管理中心是一家香港投资的企业管理顾问公司。
- Housing fund management center should be entrusted with the bank commissioned the contract signed. 住房公积金管理中心应当与受委托银行签订委托合同。
- What SKY Signage management center provides is the professional after-service at top level in the same field. 在奇天管理中心提供的是同业一流的专业化售后服务。
- It is to point to housing fund management center, the individual housing that applies housing accumulation fund to entrust commerciality bank to extend borrows money. 它是指住房资金治理中心,运用住房公积金委托商业性银行发放的个人住房贷款。
- Abstract: Now the Traffic Management Center(TMC) seldom work perfectly, one of the cru-cial factors due to the vision fatigue of opera-tors. 摘要: 我国现有的交通监控中心在使用中存在着一些不足,其中很重要的因素之一就是操作人员普遍存在着视觉疲劳问题。
- The MEDE Program includes the Career Management Center, which links the objectives of students with the needs of companies. 在米德项目包括职业管理中心,联系与公司的需要的学生的目标。
- Article Housing fund management center should be entrusted to supervise the bank in time to entrust the business contract. 第三十五条 住房公积金管理中心应当督促受委托银行及时办理委托合同约定的业务。
- The housing accumulation fund management center and its branches shall be governed by uniform rules and bylaws, and shall make uniform accounting. 住房公积金管理中心与其分支机构应当实行统一的规章制度,进行统一核算。
- Job Description:1. In charge of whole operation of Supply Chain Management Center;2. In charge of reasonably arr...... ... 公司名称:深圳市三利企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-3-26
- Earlier, the Bank of China pre-empt and housing accumulation fund management center, first launched in Beijing this loan. 此前,中国银行抢先与住房公积金管理中心合作,在北京首家推出了这项贷款。
- Moreover, individual enterprises in advertising still unauthorized called "keep the Housing Authority Center," "Housing Management Center" name. 而且,个别企业在广告中仍擅自冠以“存房管理中心”、“房屋管理中心”等名义。
- Control System is an import part of Flight Simulator, which completes parts of the tutor function and distributed interactive simulation management. 摘要控制台系统是飞行仿真器的重要组成部分,完成教员台部分功能及分布仿真系统实时管理功能。
- Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
- ADDNICE is not only a manufacture enterprise as well as management center of sports goods, but also a spreader and propellent of international cultures and healthy lifestyle. ADDNICE不仅是一家体育用品的制造企业与运营中心,也是国际运动文化与健康生活方式的传播者、推动者,并以充沛的激情,不断向上,实践"国际化、年轻化"的品牌主张;
- The author consider, AEMIS should orient on three functions: Information communication center、Network education management center and Conventional education management center. 区域教育管理信息系统应当定位于三种功能:信息交流中心、网络教育活动管理中心和常规教育管理中心。
- Please report any damages or breakdown found in the room or dorm by filling out a room defects report form obtainable from the counter of Dorm Management Center. 第卅六条学务处各宿舍辅导人员得会同宿舍自治干部、宿管人员或有关单位,对宿舍进行安全、卫生及第拾章所列事项等检查。
- Headquarters set up a customer management center, financial center, administrative center, market center, technology center, the project management center. 总部管理机构设客户中心、财务中心、行政中心、市场中心、技术中心、项目管理中心。