- She turned up her nose at their simple fare. 她瞧不上他们的便餐。
- All we can offer you is simple fare. 就请你粗茶淡饭凑合一顿。
- He turned hungrily on the simple fare that our landlady had provided. 他饥肠辘辘地转向女房东拿来的简单食品。
- Roadside teahouses often provided delicious simple fare, but the cleanliness of chopsticks, bowls, and any cold or uncooked food was dubious. 路傍茶室时常提供了可口的简单费用,但是筷子,碗和任何的感冒清洁或未煮过的食物是可疑的。
- After a long life in the forest eating what-you-can-find, this simple fare appeared a smorgasbord of exotic delicacies, rich and ripe, the promise of fullness. 在森林中经历过有什么吃什么的漫长岁月后,这顿简单的早餐就像散发着异国情调的高级自助餐,丰盛而且都是熟的,允诺着我将会衣食无忧。
- In a couple of days empress, teacher and pastor protest why this how many days, only the parliamentarian be popular to drink hot, but do they only have simple fare? 过几天后,教师和牧师一起抗议为什么这几天,只有国会议员吃香喝辣,而他们只有粗茶淡饭呢?
- Coarse clothes and simple fare. 布衣蔬食。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- He turned hungrily on the simple fare that our landlady had provided 他饥肠辘辘地转向女房东拿来的简单食品。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。
- The fare here is simple but good. 这里的伙食简单而可口。
- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。
- I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢朴素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- My father was a simple farm-worker. 我父亲是个普通的农民。
- Two from five is a simple subtraction. 五减二是简单的减法。
- They are just simple country folk. 他们只不过是普通的村民。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- He is simple about money matters. 他对于金钱的问题是无知的。
- She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple. 她不明白你的意思。她有点笨。