- simple cost accounting 简易成本会计
- simple cost account 品别成本帐户
- B.1.5 Is a cost accounting method in use? 采用了成本会计方法吗?
- Cost accounting is an important job in an enterprise. 成本核算是企业中一项重要工作。
- If there is only one processing department, the cost accounting procedures are simple. 如果只有一个生产车间,成本核算的过程就比较简单。
- Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation is necessary. 须有审计、成本会计和税务方面的经验。
- Carter and Usry, Cost Accounting, 13th edition, Ch.7. 李宗黎、林蕙真(民94),成本与管理会计新论,第七章,台北:证业
- Occupational Experience Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation. 有审计、成本会计和税务方面的经验。
- Analysis cost accounting for RM used, labor cost and efficiency production. 分析原材料使用成本、人工费及生产效率。
- Yes. Cost accounting is a speciality within the field of accounting. 行。在会计学范畴内成本会计也是一门专业课。
- Excuse me: tax registration cost accounting method, the method of carryover? 请问:税务登记会计核算方法、成本结转方法?
- The second is a cost accounting purpose, relating to planning and cost control. 第二,是成本会计的需要,主要是为了进行成本计划和成本控制;
- Environmental cost account and control of manufactural enterprise II. 制造型企业环境成本的核算与控制2。
- You can do simple cost tracking by viewing the actual and scheduled (projected) costs for tasks, resources, assignments, and the project. 可以通过查看任务、资源、工作分配和项目的实际成本及排定成本(计划成本),进行简单的成本跟踪。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Also, he must keep careful cost accounting of each block of fruit to be sure it is profitable. 他还应慎重计算开支,保证每一批果品都能获利。
- The function of the immediate cost accounting can promote the immediacyof cost controlling. 成本模块的实时核算功能提高了成本控制的及时性;
- Implement and redevelop Cost center and cost accounting control and provide cost analysis report. 完成并再开发成本中心和成本核算控制,并提供成本分析报告。
- Standard cost accounting A method of accounting whereby standard costs (i. E. 标准成本会计指一种以标准成本(即预期条件下的预计成本)作为在制品帐户贷方记录基础的会计方法。
- The phase of accounting particularly concerned with collecting and interpreting cost data is called cost accounting. 专门与搜集和解释成本数据相关的会计方面称为成本会计。