- Mathematical model for the movement of dumped silt in estuary and its application 河口抛泥数学模型及应用
- siltation in estuary 河口淤塞
- Estuary dynamics,regulation of navigation channels in estuary,and silt problems of harbours and navigation channels. 长期从事河口动力学、河航道治理及港口航道泥沙的咨询研究,曾为长江口、黄浦江、瓯江等河口整治工程提供咨询。
- Nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. 从陆地和海洋来的营养成分到达入海口。
- Abstract: Siltation in the downstream area is the key problem of construction of a barrage in tidal estuaries. 文章摘要: 潮汐河口建闸的关键问题是闸下淤积。
- The experiment recorded distinctive results in washing down the silt in the river. 试验表明,“冲刷效果十分明显”。
- In this paper,the diagonal Cartesian method is applied in the three-dimensional numerical calculation of thermal discharge in estuary and coast. 本文将斜对角笛卡尔方法推广应用到河口与海岸温排水三维数值计算中。
- The ore hosting rocks are iron bearing dolomitic silt in the lower part of the upper Devonian Xinghongpu Formation. 赋矿地层为具浊流沉积和热水沉积特征的上泥盆统星红铺组底部铁白云质粉砂质千枚岩,矿体产状与围岩近于一致。
- With the increased graveness of the saltwater intrusion, more efforts have been put on the research activities on saltwater intrusion in estuary. 由于河口盐水入侵灾害的日益突出,该问题的研究受到了人们的关注。
- The only way out is to clear up the silt in the lower reaches of the river. However, there was no effective method to do so. 因此,人们一直盼望着下游不再淤积,但是苦于没有有效手段。
- This paper introduces the research progress in their palaeoclimatic effects, detection of organic matter in estuary systems, degradation and contamination tracing. 本文介绍了其在古气候效应、河口系统的有机物质检测、降解以及污染物溯源的研究应用进展。
- The calculation results show a small decrease in ebb current velocity and a small increase in siltation in the entrance channel due to water intake effects. 计算结果表明 ;电厂取水引起航道落潮流速降低产生的进港航道泥沙回淤及港池淤积均不大 .
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are vast non-consolidated alluvia deposits freshly formed in estuary area of Yangtze River and nearby coastal area.The deposits contribute to land subsidence. 摘要长江河口滨海地区广泛分布有大量的冲填土,由于其形成时间短,具有欠固结特性,因此对地面沉降影响较大。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- At present, silt in the riverbed should not be disturbed and the soil with hig h heavy metal content should not plant crops. 因此,小清河流域水环境污染防治的关键在源头。现阶段,河床内淤泥底质不宜破坏,重金属含量较高的土壤不宜种植食用农作物。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- On the basis of numerical simulations and by use of semi-empirical formulae, calculations of seabed erosion and siltation in and outside the fishing port are made. 在此基础上,利用半经验公式,进行了渔港内外底床冲淤计算。