- The iron core of generator's stator is assembled by the lamination of silicon steel sheets. 水轮发电机定子铁芯是由硅钢片叠合组装而成。
- They are suitable for electric motors, tra-nsformers and for shearing silicon steel sheets in household appliances industry. 适用于电机、变压器、家用电器行业用于剪切矽钢片。
- The magnetizing curve of silicon steel sheets is approximated with two-section line and the saturation degree is defined. 针对电工硅钢片的特点,将磁化曲线简化为两条具有不同斜率的折线。
- The distribution and composition of the texture in 4 different cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel sheets have been investigated using X-ray diffraction ODF analysis method. 摘要采用织构ODF分析方法,研究了四种无取向硅钢的织构组分及织构分布。
- The present production line has higher productivity and cutting precision for slitting cutting of silicon steel sheet. 本生产线对于硅钢片纵剪分切具有较高的生产效率和剪切精度。
- A kind of acid pickling accelerant for descaling of the silicon steel sheet has been developed. 研制出了一种硅钢氧化皮SXC-B酸洗促进剂。
- Series Y3 asynchronous motors is a new series of general purpose low voltage three-phase cage motors designed with cold-rolled silicon steel sheet. Y3系列异步电动机是采用冷轧硅钢片作为导磁材料而设计的一般用途低压三相笼型异步电动机基本系列。
- According to the tractility of Silicon steel sheet,a new processing technics of cutting the narrow-yoke sheet into punching piece and rolling it into motor core was proposed here. 文章根据硅钢片的可延展性,提出一种窄轭冲片套裁成形成冲片条,再盘卷成电机铁心的工艺方法。
- In Silicon Steel Sheet Plant, a computerized true-time control has been provided to plate shape control for ZR3 mill to ensure quick response, high accuracy and sound product. 摘要硅钢厂ZR3轧机板形控制系统来用计算机实时控制,响应速度快,控制精度高。大大提高了硅钢产品的质量。
- The results of laboratory and industrial experiments indicate that have been achieved in the use of the accelerant for the pickling process in the Silicon Steel Sheet Mill. 实验室和工业试验表明,硅钢酸洗工艺使用这种促进剂可收到显著的效果。
- A water-soluble acrylic resin applicable to non-oriented silicon steel sheet was prepared via solution polymerization of methacrylic acid and its ester. 环境保护日益受到重视,在无取向硅钢片上采用水性丙烯酸树脂顺应了这种趋势。
- A transverse flux permanent magnetic propulsive motor was developed with three-sided concentrating flux rotor permanent magnetic(PM) poles,with the stator cores made of Ushaped silicon steel sheets. 针对现有的各种聚磁式横向磁场永磁电动机的定子结构较为复杂的问题,该文提出了一种新型聚磁式横向磁场永磁推进同步电动机结构。
- The subsurface oxide layers generated during decarburizing annealing of high grade non-oriented silicon steel sheet were studied by metallographical method and magnetoacoustic emission method(MAE). 通过金相法和磁声发射法(MAE)研究了高牌号无取向硅钢脱碳退火时所产生的内氧化层。
- The contour and microstructures of the carbon or quartz ceramic rollers used in the continuous annealing furnaces in the Silicon Steel Sheet Mill and the Cold Rolling Mill are analyzed. 对硅钢厂、冷轧厂连续退火炉所用碳套辊、石英陶瓷辊的形貌与显微结构进行了分析,认为表面的光洁平整程度与孔洞的形状影响辊子的使用寿命;
- Increasing silicon content on the surface of common silicon steel sheet could be realized through the use of composite electroplating method of iron with silicon powder or with ferrosilicon powder. 利用这种方法可以很方便地把传递函数方法扩展到各种变系数微分方程问题, 本文以变截面梁为例进行了讨论, 并建立了一种通用单元以减少计算。
- Hi-B grain-oriented silicon steel sheets Hi-B取向硅钢
- hot rolled silicon steel sheet in coil 热轧硅钢卷
- Continuous annealing oven for silicon steel sheet 硅钢片连续退火炉
- high-frequency transformer silicon steel sheet 高频变压器硅钢片