- They all maintained a reverent silence. 他们都保持肃静。
- I hope you were never put by my long silence. 我希望你不会因为我好久不给你写信而感到不愉快。
- I hope you were never put out by my long silence. 我希望你不曾因为我好久不给你写信而感到担心。
- That evening has an ominous silence. 那晚有着不祥的寂静。
- After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence. 晚饭后争吵逐渐平息下来了。
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。
- There was nothing but silence in the room. 这间屋内声息全无,一片寂静。
- His talk was evocative of the bygone days. 他的谈话令人回忆起往昔的时日。
- She interpret his silence as arrogance. 她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。
- For a while they all kept silence. 有一会儿,他们都保持沉默。
- She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
- There is unbroken silence in the woods. 林中一直静寂无声。
- Don't always indulge in empty talk. 别总是纸上谈兵。
- A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall. 一阵可怕的寂静突然笼罩着整个厅堂。
- I wish to talk with you in private. 我希望能私下里同你谈话。
- They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他们肃立向她致敬。
- From then on he refused to talk about it. 从那以後他就不再谈这件事了。
- Speech is silver; silence is golden. [谚]雄辩是银,沉默是金。