- Wang Ping: Pure white! That is significant for sports. 王平: 纯洁的白色,对体育运动来说,太有深意.;了。
- Your success today must be significant for your future life. 你今天的成功对你未来的生活很重要。
- Your success today may be significant for your whole future. 你今天的成功对你的整个未来可能是重要的。
- It is significant for design of photonic crystal microcavity. 这对光子晶体微腔的设计有一定的意义。
- It is significant for us to study hidden curriculums. 研究隐蔽课程对德育具有重要意义。
- The order of child code groups is significant for certain code groups. 子代码组的顺序对某些代码组是有意义的。
- The default is that blanks are significant for comparisons (BLANK PADDING OFF). 缺省是比较空白(即BLANK PADDING OFF)。
- Money holds no significance for him. 金钱对他不重要。
- Placing a table on the right or left is significant for outer joins. 将表放在右边还是左边对于外连接非常重要。
- This fact has little significance for us. 这一事实对我们没有什么意义。
- Fame holds no significance for him. 名声对他来说并没有重大意义。
- Money at this period held no significance for him. 在这段时间里金钱对他来说毫无意义。
- What is Bresson's significance for you? 布列松对你来说具有何种意义?
- And this is quite significant for the studies of Qu Yuan and "Chu Ci". 这一结论对屈原及《楚辞》研究,对赋体文学发展历史的研究都有较大的意义。
- It is significant for us to understand and to control urban storm runoff. 科学认识和有效控制城市雨水径流所带来的非点源污染有着重要的意义。
- Sen's contribution is significant for its confutation of the libertarian faith. 森的论述对自由意志论一厢情愿的信念构成了深刻的挑战,其贡献值得我们记取。
- Bacteroides largely exist in it's host.It is significant for the host's health. 拟杆菌大量存在于宿主体内,对宿主的健康起着重要的作用。
- It is significant for locomotive diesel engine to burn low cetane fuel. 机车柴油机烧低十六烷值柴油具有很重要的现实意义。
- What's the significance for classifying loans into five categories? 贷款五级分类的意义何在?
- It has great realistic significance for us to commemorate the day. 今天,我们纪念“九·一八”事变70周年具有重大的现实意义。