- The sieve element of the primary vascular system of the seedling of Nelumbo nucifera was sieve tube element. 莲幼苗初生维管系统中的筛分子为筛管分子。
- The other type of cells located at both e nds of the spindle which possess an intermediate form between the filiform cell and the normal sieve tube. 另一类是位于纺锤体两端、形态介于线条形细胞和正 常筛管分子之间的细胞,此类细胞两端的端壁形态不同。
- Cyclosis (cytoplasmic streaming) The streaming of cytoplasm in a circular motion around the cell observed in some plants, particularly young sieve tube elements. 胞质环流(胞质运动):在一些植物细胞特别是在幼筛管分子中观察到的细胞质围绕细胞的环形流动的现象。
- When the sieve tube members appeared in protophloem, there were a lay of procambium bundle cells reserved between the sieve tube members and bundle sheath. 原生韧皮部筛管产生时,其外方尚保留1-2层原形成层细胞,当后生韧皮部和木质部开始分化时,此层细胞分裂。
- Dinitropheol exerted its effect on sucrose uptake or secretion into the sieve tubes. 二硝基酚影响蔗糖的吸收或者分化到筛管里。
- The food-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting of sieve tubes, fibers, parenchyma, and sclereids. 韧皮部导管植物的食物传导组织,包括筛管、纤维、薄壁组织和硬化细胞
- The food-conducting tissue of vascular plants,consisting of sieve tubes,fibers,parenchyma,and sclereids. 韧皮部导管植物的食物传导组织,包括筛管、纤维、薄壁组织和硬化细胞
- The food - conducting tissue of vascular plants,consisting of sieve tubes,fibers,parenchyma,and sclereids. 韧皮部导管植物的食物传导组织,包括筛管、纤维、薄壁组织和硬化细胞
- According to the elastoplasticity theory,he analyzes on the slotted sieve tubes,and obtains its collapsing strength. 结果与国外的实验数据进行对比,数值模拟结果比实验值略大,但两者相差较小,证明了该模型的正确性。
- Citrus Lemon sieve tube necrosis virus 柠檬筛管坏死病毒
- We can separate the stones out with a sieve. 我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。
- They are common in many situations, for example as gland cells and epidermal cells, and in xylem and phloem parenchyma, where they are concerned with active loading and unloading of vessels and sieve tubes. 许多情况下都有传递细胞发挥作用,例如:腺细胞和表皮细胞,还有木质部和韧皮部的薄壁细胞,该处导管和筛管的主动装填和排空都与传递细胞有关。
- As sieve tubes age, the callose layers become thicker, eventually blocking the SIEVE ELEMENT either seasonally or permanently.At wound and infection sites callose provides a physical barrier. 当筛管老化时,胼胝质层变厚并最终季候性或永久性的的阻塞筛孔,形成一个物理屏障,使筛管失去输导的功能。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- She drained the water out through a sieve. 她用漏杓把水控出去。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买一支牙膏。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。
- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃灯罩围住灯的火焰的玻璃管