- sidewall of basement 地下室侧壁
- The glomeruli show irregular thickening and splitting of basement membranes. 肾小球表现为不规则增厚,基底膜分离。
- Thrift is the basement of richness. 节约是富裕的基础。
- Application This line is used to plying-up the protect rubber sheet at extruded white sidewall of tire. 设备用途:用于在复合挤出的胎侧上贴合白色胎侧橡胶的保护胶片。
- In this paper, the anlysis is presented to study the impermeability and crack resistance of basement concrete wall. 本文尝试聚丙烯纤维砼应用于地下室砼墙抗裂防水。
- Consequently, a charge carrier is much more likely to strike the sidewall of the structure before it has a chance to ricochet from a defect. 结果,电荷载子更可能会撞到结构的侧墙,而没有机会被缺陷弹开。
- It is suggested the pipe-type water-cooled panel is the optimum option for watel-cooled sidewall of UHPelectric arc furnace. 高功率、超高功率电弧炉炉壁的最佳选择是管式水冷炉壁。
- Detection of Basement Membrane Zone Auto-antibodies in Subepidermal Autoimmune Blistering Diseases. 自身免疫性表皮下大疱病基底膜带自身抗体的检测。
- This design doubles the sensitivity by putting the piezoresistor on the surface of the vertical sidewall of the cantilevers, compared with conventional design. 传感器采用在深槽侧壁(悬臂梁弯曲的表面)制作压阻的方法,灵敏度比在硅表面上制作压阻的传统器件高近一倍。
- Nothing in the cellular world is flat. Even the flattest of basement membranes has topography; bumps, if you like, beneath the cellular mattress. 在细胞的世界里,没有什么是平坦的,哪怕最平坦的基底膜也有高低起伏的表面。
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data suggest that the spatial variation of intensity is due to the absence of dislocations in the sidewall of the V-shape pit. 穿遂式电子显微术的影像解释了空间中强度的变化是由于V形凹洞的边缘具有较少的差排聚集。
- The "spikes" seen with the silver stain represent the intervening matrix of basement membrane between the deposits. 银染所见的“钉突”是沉积物之间的基膜样物质。
- Pressure grouting is commonly adopted for mending leakage in the construction of basement. 地下室施工在解决防水补漏问题时,压力灌浆是其中较常用的手段。
- Objective To study relationship between expression of basement membrane (BM) in carcinoma of nasopharynx. 目的探讨鼻咽癌中基膜表达与肿瘤生物学特性的关系。
- Abstract: The top plate of basement of Shenzhen West Red-tree Project was designed as a planted and impounded roof. 摘要:深圳红树西岸工程地下室顶板空中花园设计为种植及蓄水屋面。
- Based on the experimental data and analysis, temperature, temperature stress and temperature crack mechanism of the concrete sidewall of metro station with iterative structure are studied, and the crack control measures are put forward. 摘要依据实验研究教据和理论分析,对地铁叠合结构车站侧墙混凝土的温度、温度应力和温度致裂机理进行研究,从温度控制的角度提出裂缝控制措施。
- The shape of basement and velocity structures in Hanoi region were figured out by the GA-Haskell method. 但西部平原之场址特性变化导致基因赫氏法实行上的困难。
- There were characteristics in the vessel elements of jackfruit such as the wider diameter, the larger simple perforation and the larger simple pits in the sidewall of vessel elements. 这些特征为菠萝蜜生长过程中水分的需求提供了强有力的保证作用。并从导管分子个体发育与系统发育的角度进行了讨论。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- The late stages tectonic organize related to intracontinental convergence forms the fault block system of basement. 晚阶段构造组合与陆内会聚有关,形成基底断块系统。