- There were many poor quality questions such as shoulder separation,sidewall delamination and bead damage et al.in(12.00)-20 TBS tyre. 针对12.;00-20载重汽车轮胎存在的肩空、侧脱、子口爆等质量问题;分析了产生问题的原因并进行了优化设计。
- sidewall delamination 侧脱
- Interfacial tractions at the broken ends will produce delamination. 断头处的界面引力将引起分层。
- Floor warping, expansion or delamination due to excess moisture. 由于过度潮湿地板超翘、膨胀或分层;
- Mark the sidewall coring depth in the 0.4-meter resistivity log. 在0.;4米电阻率图上标出井臂取心深度。
- The sidewall air-blowing technology can reduce the NOx emission effectively. 控制和治理NOx排放是刻不容缓的重要工作。 试验研究表明,采用侧边风技术可以有效抑制氮氧化物的生成量。
- A sidewall stability is a significant subject in drilling engineering. 井壁稳定性问题是石油钻井工业面临的一个重大课题。
- "Sidewall effect" is one intrinsic phenomenon in the sintering process . “边缘效应”是烧结过程中固有的现象。
- A sidewall stability is is a significant subject in drilling engineering . 井壁稳定性问题是石油钻井工业面临的一个重大课题。
- On the other hand,it alleviates the mechanic strength of the sidewall rock. 另一方面又削弱了井壁岩石的力学强度。
- Furthermore, the height of the sidewall and load on the structure are necessary to be calculated to guarantee the safety of the aqueduct. 而且,由此计算渡槽侧墙高度和结构荷载,确保渡槽的安全。
- Sidewall coring techniques are used in field development to determine the watered out degree. 将井壁取心技术应用于油田开发中,评价油层的水淹程度。
- In composite laminates there are four basic failure modes: matrix cracking, delamination, fiber breakage and debonding. 复合材料层合板中存在四种基本的失效模式,即:基体开裂、分层、纤维断裂及脱粘。
- Mechanisms of delamination, void defects in electroless plating and nonuniformity in electroplate were introduced. 重点介绍了钻孔中分层、化学镀铜中的气泡缺陷、电镀中的镀层不均匀等缺陷产生的机理。
- Sidewall insulation,ramming material and castable for tank bottom,hot repair material. 1600池壁保温,用于捣打池底,浇注池底,热补料。
- The result indicates that the load for delamination initiation is increased with the increase of the runout length. 结果表明,增加筋条斜削区长度可以延缓脱层的起始。
- The influence of laminate thickness,delamination location and size on compressive strength was discussed. 得出如下结果:厚板对分层缺陷不敏感,中等厚度和薄层合板比较敏感;
- And drilling CFRP with UVD, the delamination is reduced and the hole quality is improved. 应用这种 方法钻削复合材料,可以减小材料的分层,提高加工质量。
- In theis paper, the characteristics of sound insulation of a typical aicraft sidewall structure have been investigated. 研究了典型飞机壁板结构的隔声特性。
- Because of stress concentration, coating surface suffered micropit failure and deep delamination. 由于应力集中,涂层表面发生微观点蚀和深层剥落;