- SLSR Side Lobe Suppression Ratio 旁瓣抑制比
- Improved Interrogator Side Lobe Suppression 改进型问答机旁瓣抑制
- side lobe suppress 旁瓣抑制
- Windowing and deactivating subcarriers are proposed to suppress the interference on primary bands from the side lobes of OFDM signal. 针对异构干扰,提出采用加窗和动态卸载子载波的方法抑制OFDM信号旁瓣对主用户工作频段的干扰。
- In this paper, by analyzing the cause of high side lobe in inverse beam forming, a moving average method is used to suppress side lobes. 本文在分析逆波束形成算法高旁瓣起因的基础上,提出了用滑动平均抑制旁瓣的方法。
- side lobe suppression 旁瓣抑制
- Improved Side Lobe Suppression 改进的旁瓣抑制
- Not equational power divider is mostly adopted to decrease the side lobe. 不等分功分器主要用来在电调天线中实现副瓣抑制。
- Cassegrain antenna is a kind of dual-reflector antenna, with characteristics of high-gain, narrow-beam, suppressed side lobes and agility in designing. 卡塞格伦天线是一种双反射面天线,其特点是高增益、锐波束、低旁瓣、设计灵活。
- A M - band CMFB with a side lobe of about 45 dB was designed using the optimum equal wave method. 通过分析M带滤波器组和M带复用转换器的完全重构条件;用最优等波纹法设计了一个旁瓣约为45 dB的M带余弦调制滤波器组.
- The effect of antenna parameters on the beamwidth and side lobe level is analyzed. 分析了天线参数对主瓣宽度和副瓣电平的影响;
- With the aid of a computer, curves of beamwidth and side lobe versus the antenna parameters are plotted. 并借助计算机绘出了主瓣宽度和副瓣电平与天线主要参数的关系曲线;
- Tapering the sweep signal can partially reduce the side lobes of reflective seismic signals in correlation seismogram section. 对震源扫频信号进行适当地锥化处理可以部分地压制相关地震剖面中反射地震信号的旁瓣。
- The conventional adaptive side lobe cancellation algorithm and eigenspace-based technique are discussed. 讨论了常规自适应旁瓣对消算法(LCMVB)和基于特征空间的技术。
- Above that frequency the acoustic centers will be more than 1/2 wavelength apart and will generate side lobes due to destructive interference. 超过该频点后,其声中心的距离将大于1/2波长,由于破坏性的干涉将会产生旁瓣。
- Based on uniform line array,the sonar equation of active sonar beam main lobe and side lobe interfered by noise-jammer are presented. 研究了噪声干扰器对鱼雷主动声呐的对抗原理,以等间隔直线阵为例,分别给出了干扰器对鱼雷主动声呐主瓣和旁瓣的干扰方程。
- The uniform intensity of NUP beams becomes non-uniform with a central principal maximum and small diffraction side lobes after passing through the aperture. 初始为均匀分布的光强通过光阑后变为具有中心主极大和小衍射旁瓣的非均匀分布。
- This method resolves the problem of signal detection with high side lobe levels, but loses information of the power spectrum density. 这样解决了高旁瓣下信号检测的问题,但却丢失了功率谱密度信息。
- For simply the design adopts equal interval antenna array, adopts unequal scope to debase the side lobe level, adopts unequal phase to realize tilt. 本文为了简单起见采用等间距阵列天线,采用不等幅度来降低副瓣,采用不等相位来实现下倾。
- In this paper, a robust adaptive beamformer in the presence of array imperfections is presented by improving the block matrix of the generalized side lobe canceller. 该文通过对广义旁瓣相消器的阻塞矩阵加以改进,提出了一种对阵列天线误差有良好稳健性的自适应波束形成器。