- An Analysis of an Accident in a Side Slope Supporting Work 某边坡支护工程的事故分析
- Study on the deep base gallery side slope supporting 深基础基坑边坡支护结构设计及施工方案
- Design and construction of the side slope support for a deep foundation pit 某办公综合楼的深基坑边坡支护设计与施工
- Side slope support scheme in earth excavation of coal unload ditch and 1# coal transfer station in Guohua Zhunge'er Power Plant 国华准电卸煤沟及1号转运站边坡支护方案
- side slope supporting 边坡支护
- side slope support 边坡支护
- Soft rope pile is a new style of slope supporting piles. 柔索桩是一种新型的护坡桩。
- This text took it as a case study to introduce the principles by which cures high side slope disease alike in the mountain area. 本文结合该项目的高边坡病害处治工程实例,介绍山区改建公路常见高边坡病害原因分析及处治原则。
- This article isa brief retrospect of high side slope design of intake,research achievements in the design period and the reason for decision. 简要回顾了进水口高边坡设计过程,各设计阶段研究成果及重大技术决策的理由和依据。
- Finally,it raises the appearing problems and resolving methods in the application of liana in water and soil conservation engineering of side slope. 介绍了华南地区常用的藤本植物种类及特性,提出了在其边坡水土保持工程应用中出现的问题及解决方法。
- Finally according to monitors the information of feedback, has analyzed the influence of the distortion which excavates regarding the side slope. 最后通过对监测信息的反馈,分析了变形对边坡开挖的影响。
- Based on Finite Element Method (FEM), the stability of side slope is analyzed using the Mathematics Programming Method (MPM). 摘要在有限元法求解应力的基础上,采用数学规划法分析边坡稳定的问题。
- Three Gorges Project is the largest hydroelectricity engineering in the world, and the high side slope of its permanent ship brakes is also rare. 三峡工程规模巨大,举世瞩目,其永久船闸高边坡也是世界上罕见的。
- A work on retaining wall with bolting for a high side slope was presented.It is estimated that the slope has a low stability coefficient and unsafe. 本文论述重庆市某高边坡锚杆挡墙工程,该工程经高边坡专家组评估发现边坡稳定性系数低,存在较大的安全隐患。
- To meet the requirements of slope support for TGP, specially for its permanent locks high slope, a special test on non-cohesive prestressed cable anchor has been performed in-situ. 为满足三峡水利枢纽工程边坡支护的需要,特别是永久船闸边坡的支护要求,在三峡工程永久船闸南坡现场进行了无粘结预应力锚索专项试验。
- The region of Hongjiadu water and electricity sation infall pertains to the texture of rigid rock clockwise slope, and the problem of side slope stability is marked. 摘要洪家渡水电站进水口地段属硬质岩顺向坡地质结构,边坡稳定问题突出。
- For open spread foundation, the pit is excavated by excavators for earth work with manpower to trim the side slope and build the ditch on top of base pit. 明挖扩大基础基坑开挖时,土方采用挖掘机开挖,并由人工配合进行边坡修理、基坑顶面排水沟的修建等辅助工作。
- The research results provides important basis for the design of side slope of swelling clay embankment dam and the consolidation and treatment of swelling clay foundation. 研究结果为膨胀粘土堤坝边坡设计以及膨胀粘土地基加固、处理提供了重要的依据
- Along with the quick development of province highway construction, Anchor rod anchor firmly technology have gotten extensive application in side slope and tunnel. 摘要随着高速公路建设的迅猛发展,锚杆锚固施工技术在边坡和隧道加固工程中得到了广泛应用。
- With the maximum dam height of 292.0m, the excavation of dam abutment formed a side slope as high as more than 400m, whose stability is of vital importance to the dam safety. 小湾拱坝最大坝高292.;0m;坝肩槽开挖所形成的高边坡达400多米;其稳定性至关重要。