- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打开百叶窗,看看外面的天气如何。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉了一只渔船。
- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他调整了快门。
- The liner flew straight to Nanjing. 客机直达南京。
- Hundreds died when the liner went down. 班轮沉没时,有数百人罹难。
- He pressed the shutter when she smiled. 她微笑时,他按下快门。
- The liner is making a round-the-world cruise. 客轮正在做环球航行。
- The liner has been refitted from stem to stern. 那艘班轮已经全面整修。
- The liner is in dock for a refit. 班轮正在船坞修理。
- shutter liner 模板垫衬
- Shipment to be effected on a container liner of ABC Line. 交由ABC班轮公司的集装箱班轮运载。
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。
- Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter. 按快门时要拿稳相机。
- Would it be better to put up the shutter now? 现在关店停业不是更好吗?
- The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker. 据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。
- The shutter rattled in the wind. 百叶窗在风中发出嘎嘎声。
- Check the shutter speed on the LCD panel. 检查液晶显示屏上快门速度。
- The shutter button can be pressed in two ways. 可用两种方法按压快门按钮。
- Here, Bill, wrench the shutter open. 喂,比尔,把这扇窗板撬开。
- The liner foundered in heavy seas. 那艘班轮遇到巨大海浪而沉没。