- Some leaders shut their eyes to the fact. 某些领导对这些事实不闻不问。
- Local officials shut their eyes to memos from the central government. 地方官员对中央政府下文置若罔闻。
- They could not shut their eyes to the injustice of the existing distribution of wealth. 他们对当时财富分配不合理状态不能熟视无赌。
- The ice was very thin,but the boys shut their eyes to the danger and went skating. 冰很薄,但孩子们不顾危险仍去滑冰。
- The ice was very thin, but the boys shut their eyes to the danger and went skating. 冰很薄,但孩子们不顾危险仍去滑冰。
- After a discovery such as that it would have seemed ungrateful to find any fault, and so they tried to shut their eyes to other defects. 有了这个新发现之后,再要挑错就显得不知好歹,因此对其他的缺点也就装作视而不见了。
- The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching a cartoon. 孩子们目不转睛地盯着电视机看卡通片。
- administrators who shut their eyes to pervasive corruption. 对盛行的腐败现象置之不理的行政官员
- shut their eyes tovt. 闭眼不看(假装没看见;拒绝考虑)
- The strong wind howled past with a lot of sand in it, which forces pedestrians to shut their eyes one after another. 狂风旋卷着大量的沙尘呼啸而过,路人纷纷闭上了眼睛。
- Then I ask my audiences to please shut their eyes and think about someone, who at some time in their lives, has rekindled their inner light. 夸夸奇谈的人不是优秀的程序员。整个程序设计的过程就是一个研究学习,应用,再研究学习,再应用的过程。一名优秀的程序员决不会认为自己足够好了,不需 要再提高了。
- Mi came dressed in rag, and when asked why he simply stripped off what was on him to proudly stand nude before the public. Guests shut their eyes in embarrassment. 祢衡身穿破衣上堂,有人责问祢衡为何不更衣,祢衡当场脱衣,光着身子站立,吓的宾客以手捂眼,气得曹操大骂祢衡无耻。
- Some of the fish eyelid, it is not close their eyes to sleep ! 有些鱼没有眼睑,所以不能闭眼睡觉。
- It was a tiny movement that drew their eyes to the hanging box. 一个小小的响动使他们两人的眼睛都不约而同地转向吊篮。
- We do not shut our eyes to the difficulties. 我们并非无视这些困难。
- But many girls say their brief incursion into the working world has opened their eyes to a bigger view of what they want to do in life. 不过许多女孩子说,短暂地进入成年人工作的地方去看看已经使她们在考虑未来生活中想做些什么这个问题时思路更加开阔。
- The examiner shut his eyes to the fact. 审查员假装没看到这项事实。
- I don't like to see children glueing their eyes to the television set for hours. 我不喜欢见到孩子们一连几个小时目不转睛地看电视。
- He and his brother always see eye to eye. 他和他兄弟的看法总是一致的。
- She gave the glad eye to every man she met. 她向遇到的每个男人送秋波。