- The motion is carried on a show of hand. 动议案用举手方式表决。
- The motion was carried on a show of hands. 此项提议举手表决通过了。
- The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的。
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- The motion was passed on show of hands, although voting was close and the opposition asked for a recount. 大家举手表决通过了这项提议,然而表决的结果近乎相等,反对派要求重新计数。
- Extemporary resolutions can be voted on by ballot or show of hands. 本会相关提案及临时动议之表决,得以无记名投票或举手方式行之。
- The vote was taken by a show of hands. 选举是由举手表决的。
- It can be settled by a show of hands. 可以举手表决。
- He's used sleight of hand on the accounts. 他在账目上做了手脚。
- The motion was carried by a show of hand. 这一提议举手通过。
- They called for a show of hands. 他们要求举手表决。
- They called for us to take a show of hands. 他们要求我们举手表决。
- Can I have a show of hands , please ? 请举手表决好吗?
- Sigi: Don't worry, I have plenty of hands on experiments I'll use. 喜姬:别担心,我准备了很多要亲自动手做的实验。
- Can I have a show of hands , please? 请举手表决好吗?
- They chose their monitor by a show of hands. 他们举手表决选出了班长。
- The issue wasdecided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的。
- Who is in favour of the proposal? Can I have a show of hands, please? 谁赞成这项建议? 请大家举手表决好吗?
- The motion was passed on show of hands,although voting was close and the opposition asked for a recount. 大家举手表决通过了这项提议,然而表决的结果近乎相等,反对派要求重新计数。
- We elected the captain of our football team by a show of hands . 我们举手选举我们的足球队长。