- Subjectivity aside, this show definitely deserves at least a 4. 客观来说,该剧至少能得4星。
- This problem shows definitely that the physics analysis is indispensable, in the scientific research work, although mathematical treatment and experiments are important. 这个问题说明在科学研究中数学处理和实验虽重要,但物理分析是绝对必要的。
- The archaeological data shows definitely that the glaze,texture-hard, low sop up Protoporcelain had been fired in the Shang Zhou period since three thousand years before. 考古资料明确表明,早在3000多年前,我国商周时期,已经烧制出器表挂釉、质地坚硬、吸水率甚低的原始瓷器。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Results CVVH, HDF and HD showed definite effects on severe lactic acidosis. 结果 CVVH、hdF和hd治疗乳酸酸中毒疗效明确;
- Fuchs.And again, the approach is showing definite signs of efficacy. 而再一次地,这项方法显示出确切有效的证据。
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。
- He was anxious to show himself patriot. 他急于表明自己是个爱国者。
- He made his horse show his paces. 他让他的马展示其步态。
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- His show-off only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的卖弄只不过暴露了他自己的无知。
- Brachiosaurus is definitely the star of the show. 腕龙绝对是这场秀中的明星。
- He moderated on a weekly panel show. 他主持每周的讨论节目。
- Poirot:But the stole you see showed definite signs that the pistol had been fired through it. 波洛:但你看到的披肩上却有明显的子弹洞穿的痕迹,
- He put up a token show of obedience. 他装出一副顺从的样子。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
- Of the 16 gliomas, 1 showed almost total disappearance,5 showed definite(>50%)reduction, 5 showed no change(<50),and 5 showed tumor enlarged. 16例胶质瘤中,1例肿瘤完全消失(完全缓解CR),5例瘤体缩小大于50%25(部分缓解PR),5例瘤体缩小小于50%25(无改变NC),5例瘤体增大(进展PD)。
- They've been plugging his new show on the radio. 他们一直在电台上宣传他的新节目。
- They want us to show some of our colour slides. 他们想看看我们的彩色幻灯片。