- Can I have an advance against next month's salary? 我能从下月工资中预支一部分款项吗?
- She asked for an advance on her salary. 她请求预支薪水。
- The bank gave/made her an advance of 500. 银行贷给她500英镑。
- The paper shows an advanced voltage and current hybrid controlled parallel inverters system. 采用了电压模块、电流模块混合的并联逆变器系统。
- This produce pursues using a streamline to show an advanced design sense , which being at home also plays a role of decoration. 这个产品追求用一种流线型来表现超前的设计感,放在家里也起到装饰的作用。
- I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一笔预付款。
- Can I have an advance on my salary? 我可以予支薪水吗?
- He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary. 预支了五十圆薪金给他。
- His works show an uncreative imagination. 他的作品缺乏创造性的想像力。
- She's always shown an academic turn of mind. 她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- The letters show an eagerness, an animation. 披读信札,一种殷切激越之情,溢乎言表。
- Prices continue to show an upward tendency. 物价继续呈现上升的趋势。
- We disputed an advance of the enemy troops. 我们阻止敌军的推进。
- The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。
- His weight showed an increase of 3 lbs. in a month. 他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅。
- The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy. 那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦虚有礼。
- An advancement, especially in social status. 攀升提升,尤指在社会地位上
- Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills. 确实有许多女孩子喜爱手工。
- His grandfather died at an advanced age of 98. 他祖父在九十八岁高龄时去世。