- I'm short of cash at the moment. 我现在缺钱。
- The company is short of cash at the moment. 眼下公司缺少现钱。
- We're a little short of cash right now. 我们目前现金有点儿短缺。
- But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. 但现在,我手头很紧。
- Before liberation my family ran short of cash month after month. 解放前我家月月闹饥荒。
- So I will not be short of cash over the holiday,I better go to the bank and get some money. 我最好去银行领些钱,以免假日缺钱用。
- Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. 对。要是我能得到这个工作,就会挣不少钱。但现在,我手头有点紧。
- So I will not be short of cash over the holiday, I better go to the bank and get some money. 我最好去银行领些钱,以免假日缺钱用。
- Donald always seems to be short of cash and make a habit of lurching from one misadventure to the next. 唐老鸭好像总是缺钱花,好像习惯于从一个不幸摇摇摆摆地走向另一个不幸。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- Big companies which are themselves short of cash are extremely wary of splashing out on the minnows in VC firms’ portfolios. 由于自身陷入现金短缺,大公司现在对大把花钱到风投公司投资组合的小鱼们身上极其谨慎。
- A cash flow gap occurs when your cash inflows and cash outflows don't keep pace with each other, leaving your business short of cash. 在你的资金流入和资金流出有差额的时候就出现了资金缺口,这会让你的公司缺少资金。
- I accept a check in lieu of cash. 我接受支票代替现金。
- The banks, short of cash, are considering rescheduling packages for several these countries, demanding a scale of deflation far greater than the IMF forced on Britain in 1976. 银行由于缺乏现金,目前正在考虑对其中有些国家的一揽子做法进行重新安排,要求它们紧缩通货,其程度将大大超过1976年国际货币基金会迫使英国所作的通货紧缩。
- He gave us an I.O.U. in lieu of cash. 他以一张欠条代替现金付给我们。
- Our research has been constrained by lack of cash. 我们的研究工作因缺少现金而受到限制。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of exigency for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to reinforce its own continental coastline. 这句话什么意思呀?为什么社会压力可以被政策所改变呢?实在不理解。----社会压力对于成人来讲有法律予以解决,但是孩子则没有。
- The hospital is getting short of clean linen. 这所医院现在缺少乾净的被服用品。