- short lived asset [经] 使用期短的资产
- His sufferance of fools was short lived. 对于蠢人蠢事他是容忍不下去的。
- This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived. 你们的结合通常深厚刺激但却很短命。
- Fleischl's temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益没有持续多久。
- This was a danger sign, but short lived and again I would be hurtled down into the abyss, feeling like I must end this life as I had come to know it. 这是个危险的信号,但仅仅是暂时的,不久我便俯冲进深渊了,感觉起来我必须终结此生,就如我已然知道的。
- His group organized lectures and published a short lived monthly. 他的小组组织过讲座,还一度出版过一种的月刊。
- Single light purple/darker center; 1-4 per peduncle, very short lived. 单瓣亮深紫色花,花中较深色,每个花梗有1-4朵花,花期非常短。
- short lived assets 短期资产
- This peace would be short lived, for to the north a new conflict was brewing. 但是,北半球新兴的冲突将这个停火协议扼杀于襁褓之中。
- Fleischl’s temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益没有持续多久。
- Fleischl%26rsquo;s temporary improvement on taking cocaine was short lived. 弗雷氏服用可卡因的短期效益没有持续多久。
- Departing the world of soapy intrigue after the 1984 season,Ryan relocated to Los Angeles to film the short lived series Wildside. 1984年,她抛开处于低谷的肥皂剧,瑞恩来到洛杉矶拍摄昙花一现的连续剧《野性》。
- With little inflation and strong growth overseas, this recession should be short lived. 当通货膨胀率很低,并且海外投资发展稳健时,衰退的持续时间更低。
- But his reign was short lived, lasting only nine games before he resigned due to problems in the boardroom. 但是,他的执教是短暂的,在执教了仅仅九场比赛后,由于会议室问题,他公布辞职。
- But the glory given or received of men is short lived, and the glory of the world is ever companioned by sorrow. 但人所给予的或所领受的光荣都很短暂,世间光荣往往与愁苦相伴。
- The pair married in Sydney in June of last year but their newlywed bliss was short lived, with Urban checking into rehab for a 90 day stint just four months later. 妮可与凯思于去年六月在悉尼结婚,但还没等他们尝够新婚的甜蜜,厄本就在四个月后被送进了康复中心接受为期三个月的戒酒治疗。
- "I really think that is short lived but it could also be contributing to its low ratings as a place for people to relocate," he explained. 他解释说:“我真的认为这只是个暂时现象,但它确实影响到了迈阿密在居住地方面的受欢迎程度。”
- Being with too many partners or not telling the whole truth will be what turns a good relationship into one that is short lived. 太多的对象可选择或是谎言只会让你们良好的关系在短时间里结束。
- But supernovae - the death explosions of the massive short lived stars - have also likely contributed to the region's enormous, blown-out shapes. 但是大质量恒星发生死亡爆炸后留下的超新星也可能对该区域巨大而又膨胀的形状起到作用。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。