- short code address 短码地址
- As you pass the fields, you see signs the farmers have posted telling in short code what sort of seed they have planted. 当你穿过田野时,你见到了农场主张贴的指示牌,上面用简短的标记写明他们播下的是什么种子。
- Can set the code address. 能够设置代码的地址。
- Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes. 较短的编码在索引时要先于长的编码。
- The next lines of code address this issue 接下来的几行代码解决了这个问题
- Watchdog X5045 hardware compilation process, the latest and the shortest code, run the shortest time! 硬件看门狗X5045的汇编程序,最新,代码最短,运行时间最短!
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- In some systems, an option of using the zero page instructions in which the instruction allows for shorter code and execution times by only fetching the second byte of the instruction and assuming a zero high-address byte. 在某些系统中,一种使用零页指令的方式,通过只取零页指令的第二个字节,并假定高位地址字节为零,使该指令的代码形式较短,执行时间缩短。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- Short skirts are no longer in vogue in Britain. 在英国,短裙现在不流行了。
- Coded Address Private Radio Intercom 编码地址私人无线电交谈装置
- I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 这个品种,我们能很快解决。
- Go and get some more oil so we don't run short. 去多弄些油来以免到时候用光了。
- I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
- I can boil down the facts to a short statement. 我可以把这些事实作简短的陈述。
- Don't attempt to do so much in such a short time. 时间这么短,别想干这么多的事。