- After a short burst of enthusiasm, she relapsed into her usual apathy. 一阵热情爆发之后,他又回复到往常一样的冷漠了。
- The "pre-seismic anomalous activity" is a relatively short burst. “震前异常活动”是一种比较短暂的突发事件。
- Spurt -- a sudden short burst, as of energy or activity. 迸发突然而又快速的爆发,如能量和活动等。
- After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy. 一阵心血来潮后,他又恢复了平时冷漠的样子。
- After a short burst of enthusiasm,he relapsed into his usual apathy. 一阵心血来潮后,他又恢复了平时冷漠的样子。
- After a short burst of enthusiasm,she relapsed into her usual apathy. 一阵热情爆发之后,她又回复到往常一样的冷漠了。
- Her breath was coming in short bursts. 她的呼吸急迫短促。
- Newborn babies sleep in short bursts. 新生儿的睡眠是短时间的一阵一阵的。
- Short bursts of sneezing suggest infection. 短促、突发的喷嚏意味着感染。
- After a short burst of enthusiasm, she relapsed into her usual color=# cc0066> apathy. 一阵热情爆发之后,他又回复到往常一样的冷漠了。
- Your way of solving the problem is a short burst of fire, your argument is pulling the trigger, your goal is finding and eliminating the enemies. 您的方式来解决问题是一个短期突发火灾,你的论点是扣动扳机,您的目标是寻找和消除敌人。
- Pulsed CO2 lasers work by producing short bursts of intense light. 脉冲CO2激光器工作产生短时间的强光。
- While composing a letter on a computer you may interrupt the computer's rest with a short burst of key pounding and then let it return to idleness as you compose the next sentence. 当你在计算机上写信时,随着敲击键盘产生的短脉冲会打断计算机的休息,接着当你写下一句话的时候,它会返回到无所事事的状态。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- The key issue for burst mode DS-CDMA-QPSK receiver is to estimate the reference parameters efficiently as to get the receiver correctly synchronized on short bursts of data. 突发模式DS-CDMA-QPSK接收机的主要技术难点突出地体现在多用户干扰和噪声环境下接收机对信道参数的快速估计和同步参数的快速捕获方面。
- Filming has taken place in short bursts, with divers supplying oxygen to actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. 拍摄已经从短镜头开始了,潜水员在水下为三名主演供氧。
- If chances fail to materialize, then they can switch to a higher tempo system for short bursts to try to create some chances. 如果机会没有出现,可以突然切换为快节奏以创造机会。
- Individually, the two 7-footers shined in short bursts, Gasol hitting an array of soft mid-range jumpers and Bynum cleaning up on the defensive glass. 有那么一丁点时间,这两个7尺长人偶有闪光,加索尔偶有中距离跳投、拜纳姆在防守上的也有闪光。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。