- In our shopping arcade,you can find different kinds of sou venir. 在我们的拱廊市场,您可以发现许多纪念品。
- We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease. 我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。
- A guest walks into the Shopping Arcade of the hotel. 一位客人走进了酒店的商品部,
- No, I went to the Shopping Arcade and returned to my room. 没有,我去过商品部就回房了。
- A: Excuse me. Would you tell me where the SOGO shopping arcade is? 甲:不好意思,请问SOGO购物中心在哪里?
- B: We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease. 我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租.
- In our shopping arcade,you can find different kinds of sou-venir. 在我们的拱廊市场,您可以发现许多纪念品。
- Excuse me. Would you tell me where the SOGO shopping arcade is? 不好意思,请问SOGO购物中心在哪里?
- In our shopping arcade, you can find different kinds of souvenir. 在我们的拱廊市场,你可以发现许多的纪念品。
- The business grew rapidly and soon expanded to occupy the whole basement in the shopping arcade. 他们的业务因此而迅速发展,很快便扩充至占据了整层地下购物商场。
- The shopping arcade on the first floor sell all kinds of souvenirs,jewellery ,local speciality,fashion clothes and curio. 一楼大堂的商场内各式纪念品、本特产、时装古玩等各类商品琳琅满目,令您爱不释手。
- Casino, Kingsway Sauna, Club De Macau night club, Disco New Power KTV, kiosk, shopping arcade. 赌场,金域桑拿,富都夜总会,新力量的士高KTV,小卖部,购物商场
- The hotel has also big and small banquet halls, well-equipped bar, KARAOKE and shopping arcade. 有大小宴会厅、设备豪华的酒吧、卡拉OK和购物中心。
- Shining cars throng the main street, where a recently completed shopping arcade is fast filling with tenants. 大街上挤满闪闪发亮的小汽车,最近建成的一座商业街也很快招来商户。
- The management report shows that there are around ten thousand people visiting this shopping arcade during weekdays and about twenty thousand customers on weekends. 根据管理公司报告,这里人流每天超过一万人,周末更高达二百万人次。
- Students proposed to provide more recreational facilities for their district, such as shopping arcade, cinema, ice rink, park and library. 同学希望学校附近设有更多娱乐设施,如商场、网吧、戏院、溜冰场、公园及图书馆等。
- It is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the shopping arcade that connects Piazza Duomo and Piazza La Scala, where this pavilion is going to get build. 而正是在伊曼纽尔二世长廊,这条连接了教堂广场和斯卡拉剧院的商业街上建造这座临时展览馆。
- To provide more sports facilities for teenagers in Shamshuipo, students proposed to build a basketball field and a shopping arcade near the Golden Computer Arcade. 同学计划于深水?黄金商场一带建设篮球场及大型商场,为区内青少年提供更多休閒娱乐场所。
- The hotel includes the following: business center, beauty salon, small shopping arcade, Internet bar, small multifunction meeting room and underground park. 与之配套的还有:商务中心、美容美发、小商品部、娱乐网吧、小型多功能会议室及配套地下停车场。
- A shopping arcade that stretches for a quarter of a mile across the street from the complex is empty, the storefronts papered over with signs reading "famous stores corridor. 一个购物走廊从奥运中心穿过街道,足有四分之一英里长,现在也是空的,店面上贴着标有“著名商店长廊”的纸片。