- The area under the response curve will be unchanged. 响应曲线面积没有什么变化。
- Shock response signal curve fitting in the form of assembling the damped sin wavelets is researched to make the shock response spectrum's (SRS) engineering application more concenient. 摘要为便于冲击响应谱的工程应用,以正弦衰减基波组合的形式对冲击信号的拟合进行了研究。
- Simulation test shows that better applicability is presented by fitting the shock response signal curve in frequency domain, and the allround optimization ability of GA is adaptable in fitting the signal under this form. 仿真试验表明,冲击信号在频域内的拟合具有较强的适用性,遗传算法的全局优化能力适合于该组合形式下的冲击信号拟合。
- Cushioning pads of computers is required to design according to the boundary curves of shock response spectrum (SRS). 摘要电脑的缓冲垫要求按冲击响应谱的破损边界曲线进行设计。
- The shock response of washing cushioning system is investigated under the action of bock crest tooth pulse. 研究了后峰锯齿脉冲激励下洗衣机缓冲包装系统的冲击响应。
- A critical activity data was observed and below which an uncontinuous response curve appeared. 实验结果表明,存在着一个临界浓度。低于此临界值时,电极的响应曲线是不连续的。
- An effective shock response spectrum (SRS) time-history waveform synthesis method was presented for simulating shock environment with electro-dynamic shakers. 摘要为利用电动振动台进行模拟冲击环境试验,给出了一种时域冲击波形合成方法。
- Thirdly, a dosimetric response curve was drawn by the pixel values against their corresponding dose rates. 最后,根据相同条件下测得的剂量率和对应的像素值,绘制剂量响应曲线。
- This paper introduces a new method, the pseudo-force method, to calculate the shock response of a nonlinear floating raft system with restrictor. 摘要引入一种新的方法-伪力法来计算带限位器非线性浮筏隔振系统的冲击响应。
- Improved multi-object genetic algorithm (IMGA) is used to study the matching technique of shock response spectrum (SRS). 摘要采用改进的多目标遗传算法对冲击响应谱的匹配进行研究。
- In this paper, a simple method of plotting logarithmic phase frequency response curve for open-loop systems is advanced. 文章给出了绘制开环系统对数相频特性曲线的简便方法。
- Based on pulse test, the pulse response curve and flow recession curve are analysed for studying the structure of karst aquifer medium. 通过脉冲试验,采用测站脉冲响应曲线及流量衰减曲线分析,对后寨河流域含水介质结构进行了研究。
- Heat stress above the optimal growth temperature, which was usually in the sublethal range, induced injury to plant physiology, and the plants generated the heat shock response. 摘要热胁迫将对植物造成损伤并诱导植物产生热激反应。
- When positions of a microphone and a woofer are exchanged in a small rectangular room, a similar frequency response curve can be obtained. 在矩形小房间内,低音扬声器和传声器的位置互换后,测量得到的低音扬声器的频响曲线与互换前是一致的。
- Aimed at the shock response spectrium(-SRS),simulating field shock environment loadings using vibration table has become the prior method of shock environmental test. 以冲击响应谱(SRS)为控制目标,在振动台上实现冲击载荷模拟已经成为优先选用的冲击环境试验方法。
- To examine the change of HSP70 with techniques of Immunohistochemistry in order to study the heat shock response on the cochlea of guinea pig with gentamicin ototoxicity. 3. 2.;以免疫组化的方法检测热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的变化,探讨热休克反应在庆大霉素耳中毒中的意义。
- The qUality of original recoil pob was obviously improved by using MS302 bio~ reCOil analpingsystem to make dOSe -- responSe curve (DRC) experiment computerics. 采用MS302生物信号记录分析系统,使量反应量效曲线实验微机化,可明显改善原始记录图像的质量;
- Present an effective shock response spectrum (SRS) time-history waveform synthesis method for simulating shock environment with electro -dynamic shakers. 为利用电动振动台进行模拟冲击环境试验给出了一种时域冲击波形合成方法。
- Response curve of ETR to light intensity showed lower saturate electron transport rate and lower light saturation point on eggplant seedlings with low temperature stress. 低温下生长叶片的电子传递速率的光饱和点低于正常生长的叶片,相应的饱和电子传递速率也较低。
- A new method for calculating the aperture and roughness of fissure, and the effective radius of groundwater by using the response curve of a multistage pumping test is presented. 利用从层流到紊流的多阶段稳定压水试验的压力-流量曲线反算裂隙张开度、粗糙度及地下水影响半径等裂隙参数。