- Shock the bottle well before the experiment. 实验前应反复摇动瓶子。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. 瓶塞砰的一声拔出来了。
- He likes to hit the bottle once in a while. 他喜欢偶尔喝得酩酊大醉。
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力。
- The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle. 渣滓都沉到瓶底了。
- His mother's death was a great shock to him. 他母亲之死对他精神上打击很大。
- Can you open the bottle with the opener? 你能用启子将瓶子打开吗?
- The shock made me go all weak at the knees. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- The inspector find cockroach in the bottle kitchen. 卫生检查员在饭店厨房发现了蟑螂。
- He gave me a bottle of orange soda. 他递给我一瓶桔子汽水。
- She is still in shock after the accident. 事故发生后到现在,她仍然处于休克状态。
- The seal on the bottle has perished. 瓶子的封记已经腐烂。
- Buffers absorbed most of the shock. 缓冲器使震动减少了许多。
- I drank a miniature bottle of brandy last night. 我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。
- He never got over the shock of losing his wife. 他失去妻子後便一蹶不振。
- They sank a bottle of gin between them. 他们俩喝了一瓶杜松子酒。
- Have you noticed the trademark on the bottle? 你注意到瓶子上的商标了吗?
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折