- shift invariant degradation 平移不变退化
- Shift invariant Resistant Motion Estimation 克服平移可变性的运动估计算法
- shift invariant bi-orthogonal filter 移不变双正交滤波器
- On the Linear Shift Invariance of Photon Diffusive Imaging in High Scattering Media[J]. 引用该论文 曾绍群;骆清铭;龚辉;石定河;阮玉.
- Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform(DT-CWT) can provide shift invariance and directional selectivity. 对偶树复小波变换具有良好的方向选择性和平移不变性。
- Therefore, a DOA-matrix based closed-form CFO estimation algorithm is proposed based on the shift invariance structure of Vandermonde matrix. 基于此,提出了一种采用波达矩阵方法、利用范德蒙矩阵的移不变结构完成载频偏移估计的闭式频偏估计方法。
- It has been proved that the OCT system behaves as a linear shift invariance system and can be described precisely by a coherent transfer function (CTF). 分析了该技术测量样品纵深结构时图像的形成机理,结果表明它相当于一复振幅线性平移不变系统,从而可用相干传递函数描述系统性能。
- Being sent to prison was the final degradation. 堕落到最后地步就是被关进监狱。
- An hour later they came off the night shift. 一个钟头之后他们下夜班了。
- A study of shift invariant image fusion and application for battle damage assessment 平移不变性图像融合及在打击效果评估中的应用
- Time shift invariant properties of commonly used growth models and their application 常见生物生长模型的时差性分析及其应用
- He had to make shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。
- He had to make a shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- No detergent can shift these stains. 任何清洁剂都不能除掉这些污迹。
- You have to shift as you drive around the corner. 你拐角时要换挡变速。
- They were taking turns to be on the night shift. 他们轮流做夜班。
- Should I shift gears before making a turn? 我拐弯之前该不该换挡?
- Another Sufficicent and Necessary Condition of Compact System Which has Shift Invariant Sets 紧致系统有转移不变集的另一个充要条件
- He's have to shift for himself since his mother die. 他母亲去世後他只好自谋生计。