- He shielded me from hostile criticism. 他庇护我使我免受怀敌意的批评。
- shielded magneto 隔电磁电机
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- Her hat shielded her eyes from the sun. 她的帽子遮住太阳光保护她的眼睛。
- The police officer shielded the child with her body. 那警察用她的身体保护了小孩。
- He lied to the court to shield his friend. 他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。
- The sword glanced off the shield. 剑擦过盾牌。
- The wide-brimmed straw hat shielded his face. 宽边草帽遮住他的脸。
- The new Ford Magneto boasts 87 mpg on the highway. 新福特磁发动机在高速上可跑87英里/加仑。
- A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye. 护眼片,眼罩带在眼窝或受伤的眼上的垫子或布片
- A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield. 盾形纹章上的横条纹画在盾形纹章上的两条水平的平行线
- This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 这种汽车上光蜡很有防锈作用。
- Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury. 摩托车手必须戴头盔保护自己免受伤害。
- The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy. 这盾牌保护他免受敌人的打击。
- A shield placed to protect an object from the wind. 风挡为防止一个物体受风吹而安置的保护物
- Color cathode ray tube shielded band. 彩色显像管用带钢。
- He shielded his eyes from the sun. 他把手放在眼前遮住太阳光。
- High power magneto guarantees the power supply to the vehicle. 采用大功率磁电机,保证整车供电充足。
- I shielded my eyes against the glare. 我挡住眼睛以避开强光。
- A shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms. 盾状徽章表层带有武器的盾或盾状徽章