- It's main products are Automate Vertical Split core box, Shell core Machines, Automatic Horizontal Split core box shell core machines, Automatic shell molding machines covered membrane cand and dies etc. 全自动垂直分型射芯机、全自动水平分型射芯机、全自动壳型机、倾转金属型铸造机等,还有根据用户要求,设计制造各种专用的制芯设备。
- Zinc shell mold machined castings 锌壳型机械加工铸件
- Composite shell mold machined castings 合成壳型机械加工铸件
- Magnesium shell mold machined castings 镁壳型机械加工铸件
- Beryllium shell mold machined castings 铍壳型机械加工铸件
- Brass shell mold machined castings 黄铜壳型机械加工铸件
- Copper shell mold machined castings 铜壳型机械加工铸件
- Bronze shell mold machined castings 青铜壳型机械加工铸件
- Non ferrous alloy shell mold machined castings 有色合金壳型机械加工铸件
- Non metallic shell mold machined castings 非金属壳型机械加工铸件
- Lead shell mold machined castings 铅壳型机械加工铸件
- Iron shell mold machined castings 铁壳型机械加工铸件
- Tin shell mold machined castings 锡壳型机械加工铸件
- Titanium shell mold machined castings 钛壳型机械加工铸件
- Precious shell mold machined castings 贵金属壳型机械加工铸件
- Steel shell mold machined castings 钢壳型机械加工铸件
- We have 10 injection molding machine 168 tons, welcome processing. 本厂有10台168吨注塑机,欢迎来料加工。
- Home-made vertical applanation MLB880 molding machine type. 国产立式平压平模压机有MLB880等型号。
- shell molding machine [机] 壳模造模机
- You are enable to increase the number of shell mold production. 使铸型的生产效率的提高成为了可能。