- She has told them nothing that could shed light on her husband's whereabouts. 她没向他们提供任何有关她丈夫下落的线索。
- Your statement does not shed light on the subject. 你的发言并没有说明问题。
- She will shed light on the case of stolen jewels. 好将能够揭示这次珠宝失窃案。
- Can you shed light on the case of the fire? 你能够解释这次火灾吗?
- This information shed light on the problem. 这份情报会搞清楚这一问题。
- This information may shed light on me mystery. 这项情报可能有助于查明那件疑案。
- Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga. 阿育吠陀让瑜伽练习散发光芒。
- Can you shed light on this problem? 你能阐明这个问题吗?
- His presence seemed to shed light over that base and obscene haunt. 他的神采似乎照亮了那个下流而肮脏的处所。
- These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe. 这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。
- If authentic,it would shed light on the question,"Where did Pets come from? 如果是真的话,那便给“宠物从何而来?” 这一问题提供了新的认识。
- UponThe new experiment may shed light on how animals respond to dangers. 新实验将有可能揭示动物是如何应对危险的。
- If authentic, it would shed light on the question, "Where did Pets come from? 如果是真的话,那便给“宠物从何而来?”这一问题提供了新的认识。
- And studies of bodiless roach heads shed light on how their neurons work. 对没有身体的蟑螂头的研究,揭示了它们的神经元是如何工作的。
- The fMRI method may shed light on severe premenstrual symptoms, too. 功能性核磁共振成像技术也也许能清楚地显示出剧烈的经期前的征兆。
- Better statistics might help to shed light on the nature of galactic evolution. 更精确的统计数据可能会有助于揭露星系发展的本质所在。
- Would the forged curios shed light on the genuine ones or become the eyesores? 假古董是在对真古董进行弘扬,还是进行污染?
- To shed light on their equivalence, we consider an idealized system of N molecules. 为了揭示它们的等效性、我们来考察一个含有N个分子的理想系统。
- The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale, whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper. 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
- Two recent, unanimous Supreme Court decisions have shed light on the meaning of this vague exemption. 两个最近的、意见一致的最高法院的判决为这一模糊例外的含义作了说明。