- Ravens are intelligent birds, able to issue a large and diverse voice calls, including those issued by the throat quack sound, voice chattered and the sharp metallic sound. 乌鸦是很聪明的鸟类,能发出大量不同的语音呼叫,包括喉咙发出的嘎嘎声,声音喋喋不休和尖锐金属声。
- To make a sharp, hard, metallic sound. 发叮当声发出尖锐、清脆的金属声
- To make a sharp, high-pitched, metallic sound. 发出乒、砰的声音发出高而尖的金属声
- To make a soft, sharp, metallic sound. 发出叮铃声发出一种轻的、尖锐的和金属质的声音
- The result is the same: a sharp metallic pinging sound. 结果是相同的:尖锐的金属咻咻声。
- To cause to make a soft, sharp, metallic sound; clink. 使发出叮铃声使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响
- A loud, resonant, metallic sound. 铿锵声大而洪亮的金属般的声音
- A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door. 前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。
- A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door . 前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。
- A light, clear metallic sound or a sound suggestive of it. 一种轻的、清晰的、金属般的声音或类似的声音
- sharp metallic sound 刺耳的金属声
- I heard metallic sounds when I was studying. 在我学习的时候我听到了金属撞击的声音。
- Do not use the sharp metal to strike the batteries. 禁止用金属锐物穿透电池。
- A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket. 叮铛声一种象口袋中硬币碰撞发出轻微的金属声
- To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound. 叮当响发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音
- A sharp metallic note coming from the outside frightened me. 外面传来尖锐铿锵的声音吓了我一跳。
- A single light metallic sound,as of a small bell. 叮铛声一阵轻脆的金属般的声音,如一个小铃铛发出的声音
- A sharp metal spur fastened to the leg of a gamecock. 距铁,铁刺系在斗鸡腿上的尖利的铁具
- A single light metallic sound, as of a small bell. 叮铛声一阵轻脆的金属般的声音,如一个小铃铛发出的声音
- To give forth a light metallic sound. 发出叮铛声发出一种轻脆的金属般的声音