- sharp increase in temperature 温度骤升
- There is a sensible increase in temperature this week. 这周的气温有明显的上升。
- With an increase in temperature the meniscus begins to diminish. 随着温度的升高,新月形开始消失。
- Immediately there is a sharp increase in current to charge the double layer. 电流立即急剧增加而使双电层充电。
- The new method brought in last year has resulted in a sharp increase in profit. 去年引进的新方法,利润大增。
- I'm convinced that there will be a sharp increase in sales this year. 我深信今年的销量会猛增。
- Will the sharp increase in Chinese bank lending result in a spike in NPLs? 中国各银行放贷额的大量增加是否会导致不良贷款激增?
- An increase in temperature corresponds to faster motion of the particles. 温度升高与分子运动加快相应。
- The team also expects a sharp increase in the sale of tickets,jerseys and merchandise. 球队还期望门票、球衣和商品的销售额大幅度攀升。
- Due to the increase in temperature,there is an increase in pressure. 由于温度的增高,造成了压力的增高。
- The sharp increase in crime seems to buttress the argument for more police officers on the street. 犯罪率急剧上升似乎肯定了增加巡警的论点。
- Due to the increase in temperature, there is an increase in pressure. 由于温度的增高,造成了压力的增高。
- There was a sharp increase in the number of newborn test-tube babies in the past year. 过去的一年中,试管婴儿的出生数量大幅度飙升。
- Sales rose sharplyin June. There was a sharp increase in sales. There was a rapid risein sales. 六月份的销售业绩大幅度上升。
- The sharp increase in oil prices recently raises questions about global financial stability. 油价急升,为全球金融稳定敲响了警号。油价升势其实始于。
- There is an imperceptible change in temperature. 温度有细微的变化。
- When building these roads, the government simply didn't allow for the sharp increase in private cars. 当修建这些道路的时候,政府简直就没有考虑私家车快速增长这个问题。
- Mr Yatsenyuk warned that a further sharp increase in prices could cause "the collapse" of the Ukrainian economy. 雅采纽克警告称,如果天然气价格进一步飙升,可能导致乌克兰经济“崩溃”。
- Appreciable changes in temperature. 可察觉到的温度上的变化
- The president strongly advocated a sharp increase in the missile and space programs. 总统强烈主张大幅度增加对导弹和航天计划的投入。