- His brother is sharp as a tack; he got100 on every test. 他弟弟十分聪明伶俐,每次考试都得100分。
- The new boy always looks sharp as a tack in class. 那位新来的男孩在班上总是穿得整整齐齐。
- Mrs.Stevenson always looks sharp as a tack. 史蒂文森太太穿老总是,整齐入时。
- Rose is sharp as a tack; he got 100 every test. 罗斯很聪明,每次测验都100分。
- He may not say much, but he is as sharp as a tack. 他没有多说话,是因为他很聪明。
- The new boy always looked sharp as a tack in class. 那位新来的男孩在班上总是穿得着整整齐齐。
- That new girl always looks sharp as a tack in class. 那个新来的女生在班上穿得总是很漂亮。
- His brother is sharp as a tack;he got100on every test. 他弟弟十分聪明伶俐,每次考试都得100分。
- "Aren't you sharp as a tack are some type of lawyer or something? "“你不会是像大头钉一样扎人的律师吧?
- Because the new salesman was as sharp as a tack, he was quickly promoted. 由于新业务员聪明机灵,他马上升官了。
- When we say that a person is "as sharp as a tack," we are admiring their wit and perception. 当我们说一个人"锐利得跟个图钉似的"的时候,我们是赞扬他们的聪慧及洞察力。
- Mercury in hard angle to Uranus has the upside of making one very resourceful and sharp as a tack. 水星和天王星的不利夹角也有它好的一面,它会令人更加足智多谋、随机应变。
- B: You're so right. Ms. Mitchell is as sharp as a tack, so we need to pay extra attention to detail. By the way, are the audio-visual aids ready? 您说得一点都没错,Mitchell女士精明得很,所以我们连小地方也要注意。对了,所有的视听器材都准备好了吗?
- Suddenly, night falls. Far, far above, the first star appears. Sharp as a tack, Cliff reaches into his backpack and extracts his trusty Survival Manual! 渐渐地,夜幕降临,不一会,一颗星星出现了,锋利的像一颗大头钉,他从背包里取出了他最信任的生存手册!
- I cut myself on a piece of plastic that was as sharp as a razor. 我在一块极锋利的塑料片上划了一下。
- You seem to be sharp as a tack. 你看起来还很硬朗。
- Denner had a mind as sharp as a needle. 登纳有一副精明的头脑。
- The ends were pointed and sharp as a knife. 两端尖尖的,像刀子一样锋利。
- His witticism was as sharp as a marble. 他的打趣话十分枯燥无味。
- Her son is sharp as a tact he gets 100 every test. 他的儿子非常聪明,每次考试都得100分。