- Shareholder value analysis only focuses on stage 3. 股东价值分析只关注第三部分。
- Schlitz decided on a program to boost shareholder value. 喜立滋决定实施一个提高股东价值的计划。
- Projects often do not create satisfactory shareholder value. 项目往往不能创造令人满意的股东价值。
- Nor dose shareholder value analysis gives any help on the implementation stage. 股东价值分析没有对战略实施部分提供帮助。
- Maximizing shareholder value is also not an objective that motivates employees on the front-line. 将股东价值最大化也不是可以激励第一线员工的目标。
- To become a leading Memory turnkey service provider to tier one customers worldwide and to maximize shareholder value in the process. 成为具领导地位之记忆体后段一元化服务供应商,以提供世界一流客户最佳服务,同时为股东创造最大价值。
- Shareholder value is increased in three ways: dividends, appreciation in the value of the shares, and cash payments. 股东价值的提高有三种方法:分红、票增值和现金支付。
- He says carving up Motorola could produce almost $20 billion of additional shareholder value. 他表示,将摩托罗拉分拆可以使股东价值增长近200亿美元。
- Both of these failures have had, and I believe, will continue to have, significant adverse impact on shareholder value. 这两大失败已经,而且我认为还将继续对股东价值产生严重的不利影响。
- Currently, the most intellectually respected business objective is shareholder value. 目前,最明智的受尊重的企业目标是股东价值。
- While many companies claim to put their customers first, few are able to resist the temptation to make small sacrifices to increase shareholder value. 虽然有许多公司宣称他们将客户放在第一顺位,但仅有少数能抗拒诱惑,以牺牲小我来增加股东的价值。
- In just a few days, media conglomerate Viacom will split in two as part of Sumner M.Redstone's plan to boost shareholder value. 按照夏默雷石东提升股东价值的计划,再过几天,媒体巨头维亚康姆将一分为二。
- Management seeking to maximize shareholder value will normally pursue policies quite different from those geared to earnings or growth. 追求股东价值最大化的管理层政策通常会有别于追求盈利与增长的管理层政策。
- Nowadays, the shareholder value is more and more important, how to create value is the most important things of managers in the days work. 摘要在股东价值日益重要的今天,如何在企业的日常经营过程中为企业创造价值是当今管理者关心的重要问题。
- The managers will be expected to act in the best interests of the Exchange Fund as a shareholder, specifically to protect and enhance shareholder value. 同时,我们亦预期他们会以最符合外汇基金作为股东的利益的方式行事,特别是要保障及提高股东价值。
- Another matter-of-factly informed me that he asks his clients to write letters saying how invaluable he has been in helping them create shareholder value. 另外一位银行家煞有介事地告诉我,他让自己的客户致信公司,称在创造股东价值方面,他为客户提供的帮助简直是无价的。
- The plan's backers hope that fresh funds and cannier investment will give the Tokyo stockmarket a lift, by putting pressure on companies to improve shareholder value. 这个计划的支持者希望那些新生的基金和精明的投资给上市公司形成压力以此来提高其股票价值,最终能够推高东京证券市场。
- Defenders of the oath reply that the goal of maximising shareholder value has become a justification for short-termism and, in particular, rapid personal enrichment. 誓约拥护者反驳道,最大化股东利益已经成为急功近利,特别是个人资本急剧增长的接口。
- Instead, they saw it as evidence that the managers were focusing on “shareholder value” and boosting earnings per share, however ephemeral that might have been. 然而,他们却将其视为经理层关注“股东价值”并推高每股收益的证据,而忽视其短暂的事实。
- This is evidenced in both the relatively low priority that managers give to shareholder value and the high bid premiums required to take over a company. 巨大的容忍区是有的,这表现在经理们对股东的价值给予相对低的优先级,收购一个公司时极高的收购溢价就证明这一点。