- I could declaim over you and shake my head at you. 若是你们处在我的境遇中,我也会说像你们所说的话,也会花言巧语讥笑你们,向你们摇头。
- As I watch the gymnasts glide, bounce, tumble and flip, I just shake my head. 当我看到选手们滑行,弹跳,翻滚和翻转时,我只是摇头。
- This was clearly a lie. I shook my head over it. 这显然是谎言,我摇头表示不信。
- I've grown out of a habit of shaking my head. 我已经改掉摇头得习惯了。
- I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. 我也能说你们那样的话;你们若处在我的境遇,我也会联络言语攻击你们,又能向你们摇头。
- As I shake my head, it still feels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 我们需要估计一下那些盲目、贪婪、但却客观的鉴定家(改为:蒙着眼睛拉磨的批评家)能从你身上榨出多少油水。”
- As I shake my head, it stillfeels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 尽管我摇头否认,可这仍然充满了甜美的轻浮,而没有些许哲理。
- Facing the actuality of English teaching in Guangxi, must I thump myself on the breast, stamp, shake my head, sigh, weep , complain or blame? 面对广西英语教学现状捶胸、顿足、摇头、叹息、流泪、抱怨、指责?
- I feel most at home with the empiricists rather than with the idealists.... That is, I tend to prefer Aristotle to Plato, Hume to Descartes, and shake my head sadly over Pascal. 我更习惯经验主义而不是理想主义...也就是,我更喜欢亚里士多德而不是柏拉图,更喜欢休谟而不是笛卡尔,对帕斯卡只能难过地摇摇头。
- Shaking my head, I simply said," No, he has never complained. 我连忙摇摇头,简短地说:"没有,他从没有抱怨过。"
- Dwyane Wade ? (Still shaking my head over that rib injury. 韦德:(我至今仍然为了他在季候赛里肋骨受伤而摇头惋惜。)
- I shook my head, frantic, desperate to escape the pain. 我拼命摇头,不顾一切要逃离痛苦。
- I shook my head to dislodge that train of thought, feeling panicky. 烦乱中,我用力甩头想把那一连串的联想赶走。
- On hearing it, I shook my head in disproval, baffled. 我莫名地摇摇头。
- I could not forbear shaking my head and smiling a little at his ignorance. 我不禁摇头微笑,笑他太无见识。
- I shook my head and held up a finger indicating that I was willing to pay a pound. 我摇摇头,伸出一个指头表示我愿付一英镑。
- I shook my head and held up a finger indicating that I was willing to pay five pounds. 我摇摇头伸出5根手指表,示我只愿出5英镑钱。
- I shook my head "no." but it really did. Twenty five cents an hour would be big bucks to me. 我摇摇头说:“不会啊”,可事实上,25美分1 小时对我而言可真是一大笔钱啊!
- I'd read the signs: "Don't give money to panhandlers." So I shook my head and kept walking. 在那一个天寒地冻的晚上,而我却完完整整地表现出一个人最坏的一面。
- Ken must have noticed my anxiety and whispered, claustrophobic, darling? I shook my head. 肯堂一定是觉察到我异样的神情,轻声地问:“害怕了,亲爱的?”我摇摇头。