- Hansel and Gretel shook in their shoes for fright. 汉塞尔和格雷特尔吓得浑身发抖。
- shaken in their shoesv. 两腿直哆嗦(吓得发抖)
- You should consider others by putting yourself in their shoes. 你应设身处地替别人想一想。
- shake in their shoesvi. 两腿直哆嗦(吓得发抖)
- As a result of his years in their shoes, he empathizes with creative workers. 鉴于他这么多年的实际经验,他很同情创造性工作者。
- If you were in their shoes, the turf might not look so lush and inviting. 如果妳处于和他们一样的状况,草地可能不看起来如此苍翠繁茂和引人动心的。
- I hear there is to be an official inquiry into the affairs of that company. I bet some of the staff are trembling in their shoes. 听说要对那家公司的事务进行官方调查,我改说其中有些人正吓得发抖。
- You need to draw on your empathy, putting yourself in their shoes, addressing their needs and concerns, as early in the communication as possible. 你应该将心比心,换位思考,最终获得大家都期望的双赢结果。
- He was frighted to shake in his shoes ,as if he has met a ghost. 他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。
- There is so much you can leartake indifferent perspectives. Put yourself in their shoes avd try tojunderstand why they think the way they do. 你可以从别人那里学到许多的东西。要宽容的去接受各种角度的看法。设身处地的去理解别人的苦衷和做法。
- Saint Basil was a leader of the early Greek Orthodox Church.Stories say he would come in the night and leave presents for children in their shoes. 圣诞老人是早期传统教会的领导者,有故事说在这一天晚上他会来到每个孩子家,然后把礼物放在孩子的鞋子里。
- He was shaking in his shoes as the large dog moved towards him. 那条大狗向他走去时他吓得直哆嗦。
- Then they scrambled round the rocks to the other side of the house. It was damp and smelly, and overgrown with thorns and briars. The rabbits shivered in their shoes. 然后他们攀爬过岩石到屋子的另一边去。那里很潮湿和臭,长满了多刺的植物和荆棘。兔子们为他们的处境发抖。
- The invaders made spoil of all in their way. 侵略者所到之处无不洗劫一空。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。
- The hut was shaking in the storm. 茅屋在风雨中摇摆。
- Honest merchants do not do in their customers. 诚实的商人不欺骗他们的顾客。
- He was shaking in his shoes at the thought of flying for the first time. 他想到这是他第一次乘飞机就吓得要命。
- Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。
- Snails are usually served in their shells. 蜗牛通常连壳被端上餐桌。