- shake the conscience of 使良心感到不安
- But these are euphemisms to ease the conscience of the callous. 但这些都是旨在使那些硬心肠的人良心得到安慰的委婉语。
- The foundation of true joy is in the conscience. 中文:真正的愉快之根本在于良心。
- He shake the carpet to get rid of the dust. 他把地毯上的尘土抖掉了。
- Our architectural works should also speak to the conscience of a future Germany centuries from now. 我们的建筑物也应该在未来几百年内对德国起警世恒言的作用。
- The conscience of Arbaces was solely of the intellect-it was awed by no moral laws. 阿耳巴刻斯的良心完全受着他智力的支配。它从不惧怕道德方面的法律。
- Shake the sand out of your shoes. 把鞋子里面的沙子抖出来。
- I am a firm believer that we cannot just rely on the conscience of civil servants for good governance. 我深信良好的管治不能单靠公务员本良心做事。
- Instead of stirring, you can shake the drink. 除了搅拌,你还可以摇匀酒品。
- Dr Toh Kin Woon known as the conscience of the Gerakan, Malaysian television more recently called the conscience of BN. 杜老被称为民政的良心,最近大马电视台更称其为国阵的良心。
- This sword has a good workmanship,but what it lacks is the conscience of people. 这种剑做得很不错的;只是卖的人没有良心.
- Says Conaty: "These laws reflect the conscience of a community and send an important message. 科纳缇说:“这些法律反映了一个社区的正义感,并传达了一条重要的信息”。
- I turned my pockets inside out to shake the dust out. 我们把口袋翻出来,抖掉灰尘。
- Shaking the head is a sign of negation. 摇头表示否认。
- This shows that the conscience of the people of historical events and people respect the code of conduct. 这表明有良知的人们对历史事件,及人物尊重的行为准则。
- When the soldiers returned, however, I sensed a bloodlust hanging in the conscience of their warped minds. 即使那些士兵荣归故里,我仍然看到他们的心灵充斥着杀戮。
- Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees. 别摇晃瓶子,要不沉淀就都搅起来了。
- Doug:(sorrowful countenance) Sir Zhong, he...for returning the conscience of Po to him and wake him up, he...he has sacrificed himself....... 豆:(悲凄的脸色)尹二爷他...他为了把童大哥的善良还给他;让他清醒;所以....所以牺牲了...
- In a democratic society like ours, relief must come through an aroused popular conscience that sears the conscience of the people's representatives (Felix Frankfurter). 在象我们这样一个民主社会中,只有当被唤起的公众的良知感染了民众代表的良知时,我们才能感到放心(费利克斯 弗兰克福特)。
- In some civilized societies, although the general norm is that the minority obeys the majority, in several cases the majority respects the conscience of the minority. 一些文明的社会,虽平常是少数服从多数,但在某些事上多数也会尊重少数人的良心。