- The prisoner was fastened by a shackle. 那个犯人被手铐铐着。
- The worker fixed a bracket on the wall. 工人在墙上固定了一个支架。
- Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket. 他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。
- This book is written for the 10-to-11 age bracket. 这本书是为十到十一岁年龄层的孩子写的。
- I think you should bracket this word. 我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。
- A shackle used to teach a horse to amble. 马梏用来训练马匹缓步行走的束缚装置
- shackle bracket 钩环架
- spring shackle bracket 弹簧钩环托架
- He's too young to shackle himself with the responsibilities of a family. 他还太年轻,不能用家庭责任来束缚自己。
- A bracket may be used to hold up a shelf or a candle. 托架可用来支撑搁板或蜡烛。
- A chain or shackle for the ankles or feet. 脚镣脚踝上或脚上带的链子或镣铐
- Do not bracket me with him just because we work for the same company. 别因为我们为同一个公司工作,就把我和他相提并论。
- They is shackle by inherit convention. 他们被家传的习俗所羁绊。
- A shackle or fetter, especially for the leg. 脚铐或脚镣,尤指用于腿
- A bracket on the spring shackle of a motor vehicle, designed to hold it to the chassis. 弹簧吊架机动车辆弹簧装置上的托架,目的是为了把它固定在底盘上
- To bind fast or hold down;shackle. 缚住紧紧缚住;捆绑
- The girder is braced against an erection bracket. 梁支撑在塔柱上的一个施工托架上。
- Shackle Undead now costs 9% of base mana. 束缚亡灵现在消耗9%25的基础法力值.
- A shackle or fetter,especially for the leg. 妨碍给上手铐或如上了镣铐般的束缚;
- To bind fast or hold down; shackle. 囚犯被结结实实地捆绑起来。