- Not true or constant to one's sexual partner. 通奸的对性伴侣不忠实或改变的
- To look in(a public area) for a sexual partner. 寻觅性伴侣在(公共场所)寻觅性伴侣
- Eagerly seeking a sexual partner. 急切地追求伴侣。
- To look for a sexual partner, as in a public place. 猎艳,寻欢寻觅性伴侣,如在公共场合中
- Indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. 杂交的,男女乱交的在选择性伴侣时不加区分的
- Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse. 不贞性伙伴之间,尤指夫妻之间的不忠诚
- A young man who is the sexual partner of an older man. 娈童作为某上了年纪的人的性伙伴的年轻人,即娈童
- Most sadists seek to dominate a willing, submissive sexual partner. 大多数性施虐癖追寻的是一个乐意臣服的性伴侣。
- Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner,especially a spouse. 助手,合作者帮手及伙伴,尤指配偶(妻子)
- You will attract sexual partners. 天蝎座:你会吸引性伴侣。
- A group of women sexual partners for one man. 一位男性的一群女性性伴侣
- In Togo 37% of married or cohabiting men say they have had another sexual partner in the past 12 months. 在多哥,37%25的已婚或未婚同居的男人承认在过去的12个月中有另外一个性伙伴。
- Tantra teaches you to revere your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love. 坦陀罗教导你去尊敬你的性伴侣,把性行为转化入爱的圣礼上。
- In the Paranoid Personality Disorder, sex is depersonalized and the sexual partner is dehumanized. 对于妄想症性格障碍,性行为是没有人性的,而且性伴侣也是失去人性的。
- The essence of sadism is the domination of a sexual partner, and that of masochism is submission to a sexual partner. 性施虐恋的本质是对性伴的统治,而性受虐恋的本质是对性伴的臣服。
- It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. 避孕套覆盖住勃起状态的阴茎,从而硬性阻止精液被射入性伴侣的体内。
- The woman's sexual partner is then asked to put on a rubber examining glove and to feel the constriction himself. 然后要求该女子的性伴戴上乳胶体检手套并自己感受阴道的收缩状态。
- It is important to continue to practice safe sex even if you, and your sexual partner, both have HIV. 这是重要的是要继续实践安全性行为,即使你和你的性伴侣,都感染了艾滋病毒。
- Sexual partners must also be treated to prevent reinfection. 其性伴侣也应作治疗以防止再度感染。