- Beside foot-binding, there are some other habitude effects women participate in social labor and strengthen sexual division of labor in peasant family. 除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。
- Sexual division of labor not only put the female into the position of enslavement, but also consolidates the integration of family agriculture and family handicraft. 性别分工的强化不仅仅是强化了女性的被奴役地位,在经济上还强化了家庭农业和家庭手工业的结合,增强了农家的自给性质。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- Permits better division of labor. 使劳动分工更为合理。
- sexual division of labor 性别的劳动分工
- Inframarginal analysis of the network of division of labor. 劳动分工网络的超边际分析。
- The wisdom and effectiveness of this division of labor are uncertain. 这种分工是否明智和有效尚不清楚。
- W.R.Goe.Producer services,Trade and the Social Division of Labor[J]. 赵群毅周一星.;西方生产性服务业的地理学研究进展[J]
- On the whole the men hunted and the women gathered: a sexual division of labour is still universal among non-farming people and was probably not shared by their Homo erectus predecessors. 整体来说,也就是男人狩猎,女人采集。根据性别来分工劳作的方式至今普遍留在不从事农业活动的部族中。直立人前辈们可能还无此分法。
- Honey bees have three castes for the division of labor in a hive: queens, workers and drones. 蜜蜂由于在蜂群中分工的不同,可分为三种:蜂后、工蜂和雄蜂。
- They do not take advantage of the division of labor and other forms of specialization. 他们不能利用劳动分工以及其他形式的专业化。
- Firms can now produce huge quantities and employ the division of labor to much greater advantage. 现在厂商可以生产大量产品,可以更充实地利用劳动分工。
- Organization chart The reporting structure and division of labor in an organization. 组织图:一个组织里的汇报结构和劳动分工。
- Business Process Reengineering: Deos It Negate the Theory of the Division of Labor? 业务流程再造:对劳动分工理论的否定?
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- Growing apart: The division of labor and the breakdown of informal institutions By: Davis, Lewis S. 劳动分工与非正式机构的解体。
- Technology and division of labor eliminated in many fields the need for sophisticated workers. 技术与劳动分工在许多领域结束了对熟练工的需求。
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- In this network, they have division of labor and a support structure that includes foreigners as well. 在这个网络里,他们有着劳动力的分工和一个支持的构造,也包括外国人。
- Abstract: Autarky and division of labor based on specialization are two very different patterns of organizing economy. 内容提要 自给自足和专业化分工是组织经济两种不同的方式。