- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- He tied up the packages well with heavy cord. 他用粗绳子把那几包东西结实地捆好。
- He tied the package with a cord. 他用绳子把包裹扎紧。
- We tied up both package well with heavy cord. 我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。
- Religions revolve madly round sexual questions. 种种宗教,都在性问题的周围疯狂地团团转。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性过多的性欲
- Indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. 杂交的,男女乱交的在选择性伴侣时不加区分的
- Dad told me to cord those back numbers. 爸爸叫我把那些过期期刊捆好。
- She bound the parcel with a cord. 她用细绳捆绑包裹。
- The disease is passed on by sexual contact. 该病通过性交传染。
- Not true or constant to one's sexual partner. 通奸的对性伴侣不忠实或改变的
- Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the. 强烈的性吸引或性欲。与the连用
- Indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity. 纵欲; 追求肉欲对性行为的放纵或追求
- The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt. 捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害。
- The dancer could kick over a cord four feet from the ground. 这位舞蹈家能把脚举到离地4英尺的绳索上面。
- Devoid of sexual desire; frigid. 性冷淡的没有性欲的; 性冷淡的
- Sexual immorality, especially prostitution. 卖淫性关系的不道德,特指卖淫
- Preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful. 放荡的,淫荡的性方面放荡的和充满色情欲望的; 贪欲的
- A narrow flat braid or rounded cord of fabric used for trimming. 嵌芯辫带一种狭长的扁穗带或织物软线。用作装饰
- Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts. 用来抽打的绳索用于鞭笞或捆缚部件的材料,如线或绳