- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Method A total of it 24,670 seva samples were collectes from STD patie, sex criminals and those detairced for reeducatior during the year of 1998-2003, and them were screened for HIV and analysed. 方法收集6年来皮肤病门诊患者,性病患者和劳教、性罪错人员的血清共24670份,用标准方法和程序进行抗HIV初筛和确认检测。结果这三组人员的HIV感染率分别为078‰、105‰、565‰。
- The hungry criminal came out of his hiding place. 饥饿的罪犯离开了他的藏身之所。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- The criminal disposed of the witness to the crime. 罪犯将他犯罪的目击者杀死了。
- The police disarmed the criminal. 警察缴下了罪犯的枪械。
- The lineament of the criminal has been found. 罪犯的特征已经找到了。
- People sent the criminal to his doom. 人们将这个罪犯处死。
- Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- The criminal is a murderous villain. 那个罪犯是个穷凶极恶的暴徒。
- The criminal was sentenced to capital punishment. 罪犯被判处死刑。
- She's too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex. 她很拘谨,听到性爱笑话也不笑。
- Is this behaviour typical of the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗?
- He is the front man for a criminal gang. 他为一个犯罪集团作掩护。
- There's too much sex in the film. 这电影里色情场面太多。
- The criminal was condemned to death. 这个罪犯被判死刑。
- That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes. 那部悬疑片有一些过火的做爱镜头。
- Nowadays, smart studs practice safe sex. 在今日,聪明的性活跃者会选择安全的性。
- The detective ferret out the criminal. 那位侦探把犯人搜出来了。