A terminal cleanout sometimes substitutes for a manhole at the end of a short lateral sewer. 在一小段侧向污水管上的末端清理常用检查井替代。
Here, a pumping station can be installed to lift the wastewater to an intercepting sewer at a higher level. 这里,设置泵站用来提升废水到较高位置的截流污水管中。
All drains should be ventilated to avoid the build-up of sewer gas. 应该给所有的排水管换气以避免阴沟臭气的集聚。
The authors hope that this paper can catch the researchers" and engineers" attention to sediment transport in sewer, and has the effect of throwing out a minnow to catch a whale. 并希望能引起我国科研和工程界对排水管道泥沙问题的重视,达到抛砖引玉之效。