- At first we didn't realized the severity of her wounds. 起初我们并没有意识到她的伤口的严重性。
- She's had a lot of problems to contend with. 她有许多问题要解决。
- This kind of problem always defeats me. 这类问题总是困惑着我。
- This kind of problem is likely to recur. 这类问题可能还会发生。
- Frost has killed several of our young plants. 寒霜冻死了我们的几株幼苗。
- All sorts of problems assailed us suddenly. 我们突然遇到各种各样的难题。
- Several of the accused were found guilty. 被告中有数人被判定有罪。
- We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem. 我们应该能够应付各种困难。
- He meditated some severity of speech. 他考虑要讲一句严厉的话。
- This kind of problem frequently crops up. 这类问题是经常发生的。
- The severity of the decree seemed deadly to Tess. 这种命令里的严厉意味,叫苔丝听来,真是万箭钻心。
- He was buffaloed by the complexity of problem. 他被复杂的问题弄得昏头昏脑。
- She was admired for the severeness of her beauty. 她因为朴素的美而受到羡慕。
- Several of the windows were broken. 有几扇玻璃窗被砸碎了。
- The severeness of the winter made her weaker. 冬天的严酷使她身体更加虚弱。
- She must have a lot of problem with the language. 她在语言上一定有很多困难。
- He invited several of his friends to the show. 他邀请了几个朋友去看表演。
- So treatment depends upon the severity of murmur. 因此,治疗取决于杂音的严重性。
- This kind of problem will be no more. 这种问题将不再出现。
- Absolutely, I understand the severity of this. 我当然知道事情的严重性。