- All of this shows that it has never been a secret that there have existed in Xinjiang well preserved, ancient desiccated corpses several thousand years old. 凡此足见,新疆存在数千年前、保存完好的古尸,从来就不是什么“秘密”。
- The bones, stored at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, have been carbon-dated and one is 12,700 years old, which places it several thousand years before the arrival of people from the North. 这些骨骼被保存在墨西哥城国家人类学博物馆里,并经过了碳元素年代测试,其中有一个已经有12,700年的历史了,这比北部移民到达美国的时间还早了几千年。
- several thousand years old 几千年的
- Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years. 封建统治者统治这个国家几千年。
- Several thousand years ago, the Melanesian migration to Fiji. 数千年前,美拉尼西亚人迁徙到斐济。
- Pisa is believed to be about three thousand years old. 据称比萨大约有三千年的历史。
- It is three thousand years old -- and it's really an advertisement! 这张纸已经有3000年历史,它可真正是一则广告!
- Our national history goes back several thousand years and has its own characteristics and innumerable treasures. 我们这个民族有数千年的历史,有它的特点,有它的许多珍贵品。
- The actual record shows a gradual decline in species that occurs over several thousand years. 但是事实上,记录中却显示了一个持续了几千年的递减过程。
- Compared with our local city of Istanbul with a history of several thousand years, I am really a young university. 和我所在的城市伊斯坦布尔几千年的历史相比,我确实是一座年轻的大学。
- Twenty-Four Histories are important classical works on China's history of several thousand years. 二十四史是记载中国几千年历史的重要典籍。
- Where are you to find your laughing springs, and leaping brooks, and venerable trees, a thousand years old in a clearing? 你哪儿还能找到欢乐的小溪、淙淙的流水和爬满青藤的千年古树呢?
- Over the last several thousand years, fermentation has been major way of preserving food. 几千年以来,发酵一直是保存食品的主要方式。
- Like methane, CO2 has behaved unexpectedly over the past several thousand years. 二氧化碳与甲烷相同,在过去数千年也发生了意料之外的变化。
- Singapore is indeed a brand-new country as compared with,say,China with a civilisation five thousand years old. 比起中国那样有五千年文明史的国家,新加坡的确很“新”。
- "Incurable diseases" that have been studied for several thousand years remain incurable. 对“不治之症”喊了都几千年了,还是“不治之症”。
- Luis Marden, Scuba diver wrests a jar perhaps a thousand years old from the murk of a cenote, or ceremonial well in the late 1950s. 路易斯·马登,1950年代后期,带水下呼吸器的潜水员费尽九牛二虎之力从黑暗的灰岩坑中挖出一个可能有1000年历史的罐子。
- Buddhism has formed the unique culture and agglomerated the innumerable wisdom treasure during several thousand years. 佛教在几千年的发展过程中形成了独特的文化特质,积聚了无尽的智慧宝藏。
- Hetian jade produce from Xinjiang in China, already several thousand years history be a kind of Chinese culture. 和田玉产自中国的新疆,已经有几千年的历史,是一种中国文化。
- The youngest crater ever found by a Mars rover, Resolution clocks in at a mere hundred thousand years old. 最年轻的陨石坑在火星表面被发现,分解层表明它只有千百年年龄的。