- One whose financial assets are worth several million dollars. 千万富翁拥有价值数百万元美元资产的人
- He is worth several million dollars. 他有好几百万美元的财产。
- TV. programs have an audience of several million. 电视节目有数以百万计的观众。
- Boxers ranging from thousands to several million. 出场费从几千到几万元不等。
- The President raised several million dollars for his college. 校长为学校筹集了几百万元的资金。
- It has taken us several million years to evolve from the apes. 我们人类从猿类开始进化用了几百万年的时间。
- This company was several million yuan in debt and went bankrupt. 这家公司欠款数百万,倒闭了。
- My yard is state property and white what you several million dollars. 我的厂子是国家财产,凭什么白给你几百万。
- The recall of the latest laptops costs Dell several million dollars. 由于召回其最新的笔记本电脑产品,戴尔公司损失了好几百万美元。
- It wanted to enslave the whole world; it supplied arms to help Chiang Kai-shek slaughter several million Chinese. 它要奴役全世界,它用武器帮助蒋介石杀戮了几百万中国人。
- Yes. I heard that the transferring rate of some pro- fessional basketball stars are as high as several million dollars. 是的,我听说有的职业篮球球星妁转会费高达数百万美金。
- How can we put the several million key intellectuals to use if we haven't worked out a set of measures to be taken? 没有一套办法,怎么能把几百万知识分子骨干用起来?
- The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains, killing several million in a short time. 这批猎手从东部来到这片平原上大肆捕杀野牛,很快就有几百万只野牛惨遭杀戮。
- It's no simple matter to bring a break-away region of several millions to heel. 要想在一个脱离出去的有几百万人口的地区控制局面决非易事。
- Several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades. 差不多二十年了,生活在贫困线以下,或温饱问题还没有完全解决的仍有几百万人。
- In that country several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades. 在那个国家差不多二十年了,生活在贫困线以下,或温饱问题还没有完全解决的仍有几百万人。
- Several million of people have lived near or belowthe breadline for almost two decades. 差不多二十年了,深入、生活在贫困线以下或温饱还没有解决的人口仍有百万。
- In that country several million of people hxdye lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades. 在那个国家差不多二十年了,生活在贫困线以下,或温饱问题还没有完全解决的仍有几百万人。
- Past outbreaks have been linked to caves or mines frequented by bats;Kitaka has several million of the creatures. 往年爆发多次的马尔堡病毒都与经常被蝙蝠栖息的岩洞或矿井有关,奇塔卡地区就存在数百万种的蝙蝠。
- As one VC who spoke at Y Combinator said, “Once you take several million dollars of my money, the clock is ticking. 因为与大公司相比,就算通过“挑战杯”组建成团队,研发实力和推广能力都是大大处于劣势的。