- settlements in Hankow 汉口租界
- Build settlements in 2 or more harbors. 在2或较多的港中建立殖民。
- Build settlements in 3 or more harbors. 在3或较多的港中建立殖民。
- As things stand, there is little chance of a settlement in the dispute. 就目前情况看,解决这一纠纷的希望不大。
- The Pilgrim Fathers made a settlement in America. 首批清教徒在美洲开拓了一个殖民地。
- A collective farm or settlement in modern Israel. 基布兹现代以色列的一种集体农场或居留地
- He took up his settlement in a new house. 他在新屋居住下来。
- The First Settlement in North America. 在美国北部的第一殖民.
- Can spring of human settlements in towns be far behind? 小城镇人居环境春天还远吗?
- All Indian tribes suffered from white settlement in America. 所有印第安人部落都因白人移居美洲而遭殃。
- We should seek settlement in the context of that incident. 我们应该根据这一事件的前因后果寻求解决办法。
- Uruk was not the only large settlement in Southern Mesopotamia. 乌鲁克不仅仅是南部美索不达米亚的大量聚居地。
- Las Vegas, Nevada, began as a small settlement in a sandy desert. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州,最初是一个多沙沙漠的小居住地。
- On August 17, she commissioned in Hankow Road station a translation company to help her friends to the site to send information abroad. 8月17日,她委托位于汉口车站路的一家翻译公司,帮她向国外交友网站发送资料。
- Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying. 许多农民运动的道理,和在汉口、长沙从绅士阶级那里听得的道理,完全相反。
- A villa in the face of a broad talus, which is most satisfactory piece Lideli have villas. 1921, the organization had in Hankow Lideli U. 一片别墅在这面广阔的斜面上展开,它们是李德立们最为得意的一片别墅区。
- Location on North Lake in Hankow, Jianghan District Building, is across the North Lake ride bus station to get off that. 地点就在汉口北湖江汉区政府大楼正对面,搭公汽北湖站下车即到。
- After two days in the Shayang dock, Dad set out with two other foreigners to find the telegraph office and send word to the British consulate in Hankow. 在沙洋码头二天后,爸爸和二个外国人一起开始寻找电报局并向汉口的英国领事发报。
- With settlement in hand, I refinanced what became my house. 达成了离婚协议后,我从前妻手中把她分得的半套房子买了下来。
- This paper is to discuss the design and principle of the public spaces in historical black city from the lost public spaces on Dazhimen railway station and surrounding area in Hankow. 该文就汉口大智门火车站及其周边地区所形成的失落的城市公共空间,来探讨处于历史街区城市公共空间的设计与原则。