- A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear. 一部有争议的电影使得娱乐界一片哗然
- He set the racing world on its ear by breaking eight world records. 他创造了8项世界纪录使径赛界人士大为惊讶。
- "We set New York on its ear with the Picasso benefit," Mrs Msith said. 史密斯夫人说:“我们通过毕加索画义展使整个纽约沸腾了。
- set on its ear 在
- The title of the book is printed from top to bottom so that when it is set on its side, it can be read easily. 这本书的名是由上而下印的,所以当它倒着放的时候很容易看清。
- The title of the book is printed from top to bottom so that when it is set on its side,it can be read easily. 这本书的名是由上而下印的,所以当它倒着放的时候很容易看清。
- When the book is set on its side,it can be read easily because its title is printed from top to bottom. 书竖起来时可以很清楚地看清书名,因为它是自上往下印的。
- When the book is set on its side, it can be read easily because its title is printed from top to bottom. 书竖起来时可以很清楚地看清书名,因为它是自上往下印的。
- The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. 扎查里亚西特切的闪族楔形文字破译技巧,一位语言学家在指挥着很多古代语言,已经把科学世界设计在它的倾听上,连同着他对古代作品惊人的解释。
- Halfway up the hill, he saw an elephant coming down, with a small bundle of leaves on its back and a mahout poking its ear with an iron rod. 就在上到半山腰的时候,他看到了迎面走过来一头大象,大象背上背着一小捆树叶,旁边看象人拿一根小铁棒在拨弄着它的耳朵。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- His dog has a canker in its ear. 他的狗的耳朵上有一处溃疡。
- I can't stop you if you are set on going. 如果你决意要走,我也留不住你。
- Yet,when it was set on its feet,it only stared round,and repeated over and over again some gibberish,that nobody could understand. 可是,让他站在地上的时候,他只会四下呆望,叽哩咕噜地尽重复一些没有人能懂的话。
- She is dead set on becoming an actress. 她决心要当一名演员。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- She's absolutely set on publishing as a career. 她决意从事出版事业。
- He's dead set on getting a new job. 他打定主意要找个新工作。
- This means that a broad band pulse that was strong and coherent when it set on its way will be smeared across a time-span of several milliseconds when it is received on Earth. 这就意味着本来在出发的时候强烈而一致的宽频带信号在到达地球的过程中会逐渐地被拖成几毫秒的长度。