- Mrs Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。
- He enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 他喜欢挑拨离间。
- Mrs. Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。
- set people at loggerheads 使他人不和;唆使他人争吵
- Even trivial things can set Arthur and his wife at loggerheads. 即使是鸡毛蒜皮的小事也能使阿瑟和他妻子吵起来。
- Mr Stuart and his wife are always at loggerheads. 斯图尔特先生同他妻子老是吵架。
- She detests having to talk to people at parties. 她讨厌在宴会上为应酬而和人交谈。
- I hate disturbing people at this late hour. 我不愿意这么晚去打扰别人。
- As usual, there weren't many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。
- Were there many people at the meeting? 集会有很多人吗?
- The North and South were at loggerheads. 南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。
- There were hordes of people at the jumble sale. 废旧货物拍卖市场上人山人海。
- He and his wife are always at loggerheads. 他和妻子总是不和.
- Saw all manner of people at the mall. 在购物中心看到各种各样的人
- Mr. Stuart and his wife are always at loggerheads. 斯图尔特先生同他妻子老是吵架。
- Mr Stuartand his wife are always at loggerheads. 斯图尔特先生同他妻子老是吵架。
- Her eyes set people's hearts aglow. 她的眼睛让人心灵发光。
- The two of them are always at loggerheads. 他们俩经常为某些事顶牛儿。
- His behaviour set people talking. 他的行为使人们议论纷纷。
- Only two people at the meeting turn up the thumb for the idea. 在会上只有两人对那一主意表示赞成。