- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- set into gear 搭上齿轮, 投入工作
- First you have to put the car into gear. 你要先把车子挂上档。
- Contrasting material set into a surface in pieces to form a design. 镶衬(图片)将一片片性质相反的物质镶嵌入同一外表内,从而形成一种设计
- Across the street, a family scurried into gear. 街对面的邻居家也忙碌起来了,但今天不同于往日。
- Cut-in note Notes that set into the text space. 排在正文空间的注解。
- Cut-in note: Notes that set into the text space. 文内注:排在正文空间的注解。
- In a week or two he began to get into gear and work better. 一两个星期后他开始进入工作状态,干得更好了。
- To set into motion, operation, or activity. 发动使启动、进入运作运动或行动
- Meir ran around to the front seat, and Hans put the car into gear. 梅尔绕车跑到前座,汉斯启动汽车,一拐一拐地开了起来。
- He slipped it into gear, released the clutch and edged it forward. 他挂上档,松开离合,慢慢向前开动。
- To estimate the space a mansucript will occupy when set into type. 估计排版的空间估计一篇手稿排版时所占的篇幅
- A piece of material set into a garment as decoration or trim. 装饰或点缀镶在衣物中作为装饰或点缀的材料
- Marine Drive and watch the sun set into the Arabian Sea. Marine Drive漫步,欣赏独特的阿拉伯海洋上的日落。
- That roof is now a back-lit glass panel set into the ceiling. 那个屋顶现在是安装在天花板中的一块背后照明玻璃镶板。
- A homomorphism that maps a mathematical set into itself. 自同态一数学集映入自身的同态
- A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif. 壁柱,半露柱有柱顶和底座的长方形柱子,作为装饰图案置入墙内
- An obstacle made of jagged glass or spikes set into masonry on top of a wall. 墙头尖刺砌于墙顶端的由碎玻璃或尖头钉组成的障碍物
- But the pleasure doesn′t stop there: put the BMW 6 Series Convertible into gear and your journey begins. 但是,您的驾驶乐趣不仅仅在于此:开动您的bmw 6系敞篷汽车,开始享受您的旅程。
- Click Apply to put your settings into effect. 单击“应用”使设置生效。