- The referee judges it's bad. 16. Service over! 裁判员判球出界。17比16。
- She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades. 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。
- Keep equipment in service over longer periods without shutdown for cleaning. 延长设备使用寿命,减少设备维修次数,清理时无须停止运转。
- Our facility services over 100 outpatients a day. 我们医院每天接待门诊病人达100多人。
- B: Pricewise yes, but in terms of its guaranteed service over a long period of time, I would say no. 就物价来说,有的。但是以长期保证服务的观点来看,我就要说不行了。
- Pricewise yes, but in terms of service over a long period of time, I would say no. 以价钱而论,是有的,但就长远的保用服务来说,我则认为没有。
- And it would reassert the dominant role of the army and its intelligence service over a notionally civilian government. 军队以此加强对政权的把持以及对“傀儡”民选政府的监视。
- Pricewise yes,in terms of its guaranteed service over a long period of time, I would say no. 就物价,有的。以长期保证服务的观点来看,我就要说不行了。
- An economy that emphasizes services over industrial production. 强调服务甚于工业生产的经济。
- Pricewise yes, but in terms of its guaranteed service over a long period of time, I would say no. 就物价来说,有的。但是以长期保证服务的观点来看,我就要说不行了。
- It also provides a free translation service over the phone to Chinese complainants of local dilates. 同时机构还为华人投诉者提供免费的电话翻译服务。
- Based on the introduction of the present situation for local PSDN the paper discusses the benefits and technical pian of opening POS service over PSDN. 在介绍本地分组交换数据网现状的基础上,对在该网上开放POS业务的好处及有关技术方案进行了讨论。
- She has served in several Chinese churches as well as seminaries since she was called to full-time Christian service over 30 years ago. 大学毕业从事建筑专业四年后蒙召,卅多年来曾在四间华人教会全职事奉,并在数间华人神学院当客座讲师。
- UPT Service Set 1 is a restricted scenario that provides UPT service that supports provision of telephone service over PSTN, ISDN and PLMN networks. UPT第一业务集是一有限阶段,它提供支持通过PSTN,ISDN和PLMN网络提供电话业务的UPT业务。
- The increase in the economy's ability to produce goods and services over time. 产生商品与服务的经济能力的增加。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- With 3 manufacturing centers, over 10 professional sales centers in China / America / Asia, Durkee service over ten thousands project-clients and final users all of the world. 杜肯公司旗下拥有Durkflex\\Durkblex\\Durkylex等3个着名品牌,在全球橡塑绝热材料市场具有广泛知名度和竞争力。
- They service over 8,000 meetings every year, making UNOG one of the busiest intergovernmental conference centres in the world and a focal point for multilateral diplomacy. 每年有超过8000次会议,使联合国欧洲总部成为全球最重要的政府间会议中心之一,以及多边外交的重要地点。
- SONET has long been the medium of choice for delivering services over metropolitan-area networks (MAN). 同步光缆网(SONET)早已是在城域网(MAN)上提供服务的媒介选择。